Thursday 29 January 2009


i was supposed to get up at 9.

I can't stop sleeping!!!!!i woke up at 7:30 when my ma called me (thanks mum) and then again at 9 where i tried to get up but kind of fell asleep as i was moving, and then my sister called me at like 11 and then i fell asleep again!!!i have only been out of bed for about 10 minutes. this is shockingly awful. i blame Jimmy- he made me go out last night...maybe

i have a seminar this afternoon but i feel like rubbish so i dunno if i'll go yet- it's a catch-22 situation; if i go i will feel shoddy the whole time, be falling asleep and my notes will be bad. if i don't go i'll be struck down with the horrific guilt that only comes from missing a seminar/lecture when you know that if you really made the effort you could have gone.


i would say that i could live with the latter =]

i was supposed to be seeing a house today, but the people never called back, which is muchly rude. i really did love the house yesterday, and the people seem so legit- i have to keep reminding myself not to do an 'Amy' and get ahead of myself and get overexcited only to be disappointed again though- they might not pick me. but let's face it- how could they not??=]

right now i should be reading 'Sense and Sensibility' but i'm not- but by no means does the fact i haven't finished it yet affect how much i want to go to my Romanticism Seminar.....(cough)

right i'm gonna go- i'm just rambling now =]


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