Saturday 17 January 2009

Welcome to Amy's Room, otherwise known as an area of Spider Zen

my room is all different. i kinda like it, except that the new angle of my bed has revealed three horrible things;

1)there's a nasty big bodied spider in the top corner of my room, right above my bed
2)there's another nasty big bodied spider in the opposite corner of my room, above the bottom of my bed
3)the bottom of my shelf is bending underneath the weight of everything

i really dont know what to do about the spiders, but i am actually quite scared cos they're quite big. urgh. i bet they ate sanchez, the bastards

bye bye chance of sleeping tonight

i got up early again today, at 9:30am, get me, had a bit of a busy morning, hung of with peeps and now i'm a bit bored so rather than read sense and sensibility i'm going for a wander =]


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