Wednesday 14 January 2009

"How should i know how big my theoretical penis is?"

I have had a really fab morning- it's been fabbity fabbity fab. Went up to my old sixth form today, for various reasons, and it was brilliant seeing everyone again- NOTHING had changed. Bemment's first words to me were "get out- as head boy i have to escort you off the premises", so that was normal =] he makes me laugh- apparently he's going to blow up Canterbury, but buy me a scooter so i can escape so that's quite considerate of him

I have to keep going back and writing in letters that haven't come up, because last night when i went to bed i left the lid of my laptop up, by accident, and my cat Millie sat on it and you know that thing that cats do when they pluck whatever it is they're sitting on?yeah, she did that. to my keyboard. and the keys came off. my 'S' is wonky :[

so yeah, now i have to type really hard on some of the letters for them to come up. bastarding cat. but i love her really. except when she plucks things. ghey.

anyways, everyone was really happy to see me, which was pleasantly surprising!! the very first thing Batters did was chuck 'Jelly Tots' at me, without even saying anything, and then the stupid "i hate you" "i hate you more" banter began before we gorged on 'Jelly Tot'-ness. i realised how much i'd missed everyone then, and it made me sad to think i won't see them again for yet another 3months. It was so lovely to see Anna, Jasmine and Lizzie again- there was mucho hugging commencing and polite but obvious question asking before we all began comparing the size of our 'would be penises' by looking at our hand span. mine was the shortest,thanks to my "kitten hands" as Jas called them, but as Anna pointed out, and Joe and Ben confirmed,i've got more than enough 'business' upstairs to occupy any person- which is true, let's face it. although i hastily pointed out that my upstairs business wasn't openly available to keep just any person occupied- only a select few. Anna was quite relieved, she said "well i'm glad uni hasn't changed you muchly my lovely, you're still as prettiful as ever". i miss Anna- she was part of the One, Two, Ready Crew, which consisted of me, Kage, Anna, Beth and Jodie and this is the only time i've been able to see her all holiday cos we've both been here there and everywhere. dammit. we used to have such a good time, i'm gonna miss them again.

i cannot remember the last time i laughed so hard for so long. today was seriously immense, and everyone was just as i remembered them and so lovely and kept hugging me, which mostly i didn't mind at all, because i love a good bout of huggage, but this freaky guy called Tim who stalked me last year found me and wouldn't let go of me. katie had to very pointedly say "Ok, Tim, we're late, let go" before he would get off. urgh. that guy's such a freak.

My ma has made fish pie, which is AH-MA-ZING because it's one of my faves, but it's too hurt and it burnt my tongue =[ burny tongue owwwwwwwwwww

so i'm at home, currently watching 'In the Night Garden' with Eli and writing this when i should be packing. i haven't packed anything yet, and i'm trying to figure out how i'm going to get all of my DVDs back to Canterbury...i have considerably more now, which is good for me, but bad for space.


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