Thursday 1 January 2009

Another day, another month, another year, another blog...

I think i should at least try to make sure this blog has some kind of spectacular-ness to it, although the fact that i couldn't think of a superlative that actually exists and so resorted to making up the word 'spectacular-ness' doesn't bode entirely well, so let's see how it goes =]

So far 2009 has been disappointingly uneventful, though i'm not entirely sure what i was expecting...

last night was very boring- kage fozz and jack all sat on their DS's til 11:45, whilst me and dad were made to watch the music channels as mum decided to watch the '100 greatest party songs'. they were anything but the 100 greatest party songs, but unfortunately there were 100 of them. then we all counted down with big ben, cheered a little bit, then at 20 past 12 mum and dad went to bed, foz picked up his DS and kage and jack went upstairs to play on their DS's. which meant i spent the majority of the first few hours of 2009 doing what i do best- reading.

pretty much the rest of the day has been this 'droll', except Eli said "A" for 'auntie Amy' today, and we played this chasing game where i jump out from behind a door and make him laugh, which ended very abruptly when i slipped on his toy police car and cracked my head on the wall in our hallway. it was very disorientating, what with the tirade of police sirens surrounding me. vic thought this was very, very funny, and took pictures of me rather than help me up- it's ok, i got her back by shinning her with aforementioned car =]

A Doctor Who at the Proms was on, which was very very good. When Tennant leaves i shall cry =[

according to my mates my idea that i don't have any new years resolutions is blasphemous, so i have been made to make some- they weren't very impressed with my list and said none of it was realistic, but i beg to differ- i reckon i can achieve at least 3 out the 5;
  1. Learn to sail
  2. Build a boat
  3. Sail to Europe
  4. Take over Europe
  5. Chang Europe's name to "The great and bountiful empire of Amy"

It could happen =]

But seriously, 2008 was pretty fantastical;

-Being Head Girl
-18th Birthday (my party went down in history as the greatest that year =] Booyah)
-realising that i wanted to work in comedy, either stand up, writing, acting or all three =]
-Getting offers from all 5 uni's i applied for
-Sixth Form raising £2000 for charity =]
-Getting offered a place at Kent
-Passing all of my exams : A, A, B, C (Get in)
-Accepting the offer from Kent
-Being gutted upon discovering that my second choice, and the choice i turned down, the University of Gloucestershire, was the uni Simon Pegg attended/graduated from...NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
-Leavers Ball
-Summer Holiday (fairly uneventful)
-Getting a job at Somerfield (which wasn't that great, but it was money =])
-Leaving Beccles for the first time EVER
-Getting to Canterbury
-Meeting Charlotte, Claire, Jas and Zoe
-Being terrified but loving it
-Using a microwave for the first time (and nearly killing me and Charlotte)
-Fresher's week and meeting people
-Meeting 1, 2 Nickel Crew and 1, 2 Bossiden Court Crew and all their accomplices =]
-Discovering my Poetry Course was being run by Edgar Wright
-Various good partyage moments
-Me, Claire and Charlotte throw the greatest house party EVER, carried out partially in my room, but my room not being destroyed =]
-General Drunken Debauchery
-Discovering Sex In The City
-Finishing first term still intact =]
-Going home
-Fab christmas
-National 'Kittens, Spaghetti and Guitar Hero' Day
-New Year

and that's that.

i'm sure i've missed loads more
Hopefully this year won't hold some of the not so nice surprises that last year did, but if it's as lovely as the lovely parts of last year then oh huzzah!!!

It'll be interesting to see how much longer i'll keep up with this blogging malarke. we shall have to see.

Right, well i'm off. i'm about to order a dress that i plan on wearing for what shall be my birthday bonanza on 28th Feb ( i'm already excited =]) and probably have a cup of tea.

'Cos lord knows that's all you need, along with a couple of episodes of the Darkplace, the occasional viewing of Hot Fuzz, and a glimpse through a Total Film Magazine.

Classy indeed, sir =]

Peace Up, A-Town Down

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