Tuesday 6 January 2009

Very much in a Coldplay kinda mood

I've been ever so up and down recently, it's been quite tiring.

Not literally standing up and then sitting down again,that would be stupid, just, you know, 'emotionally'. cue the men of Britain simultaneously tutting and sighing. well, not the entire male population of Britain, they probably don't read this. well, i say probably...

I don't really get why i keep this blog- there are a million things i could say now as to why i'm feeling a little down, but i cant say it because they are quite personal and i don't want to because then people could read it. But then i read some blogs and they proper go for it, like a diary. and my mate Matt reckons blog's are supposed to be like that. but i don't get that- it's not my diary, my diary is my diary (funnily enough) and that's where i put all the things i'm thinking and the reasonage behind my little episodes of sadness- either that or i tell my dad...

(sigh) My old man...i do love him more than anything. i can honestly say i know no other girl who is as close to their Dad as i am to mine, i literally tell him everything, apart from stuff that you just can't talk to your parents about, not there's anything like that going on in my life now anyway. I'm so lucky to have someone like him in my life. It breaks my heart a little everytime i think of leaving next Thursday.

So yeah...bloggage 'aint all it's cracked up to be. all it does it make me think of things i can't write down. and because i can't write them down they stick around a bit longer in my head, so i get a bit sadder. and i know some of the people who read my blog, so there are definitely things i can't say- about friends ,about... i dunno. about stuff i spose. and we all know what 'stuff' means.

just stuff.

Sorry if this blog has been a bit of a downer- then again i'm not even sure if anyone reads it anymore, so many people have told me they've stopped (i wouldn't blame them, it's only ever me rambling, and having the occasional 'geekasm') so i dunno if i've made anyone 'down'. i do hope not ,considering the fact i'm going to dedicate my life to making people feel the exact opposite of 'down'- i wouldn't be starting very well now would i? then against pessimism and self-deprication worked for Jack Dee, although everyone thinks he's moody and hilarious and i wouldn't want that. i would just like to be 'hilarious'

So let's crank up the Coldplay- they are the perfect band for a "i kinda feel down but i'm up too" mood. Chris Martin is truly a pioneer of the emotionally confuddled =]

I've decided i don't like writing 'Peace Up, A-Town Down' anymore, so i'm just gonna do this -xXx- instead


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