Saturday 3 January 2009


The new Doctor is a bloke called Matt Smith, who i've never heard of before in my life, which was a bit kind of "oh...ok"

He's ever so young, he's 26, and i'm a bit worried he's a bit too young...i hope Doctor Who isn't trying to adhere to teenagers- that would suck. or maybe i'm being ageist...i dunno.

and his face looks like it's made out of silly putty. but maybe i'm being silly putty-ist.

I don't really know what to make of it!!I don't know who he is and i've never seen him in anything before so i have no clue what he's like as an actor, although i'm sure Moffat wouldn't pick a fool

all i know is that david tennant is leaving. and that, in itself, is enough information for me to not like the next bloke- because he's not tennant!!

urgh Millie got on my lap so now i'm having sneezing fits and i can't breathe, urgh :(
Oh yeah, i forgot to mention that- i'm allergic to my cats now!!how GHEY is that???According to the ever reliable Dr Morton my immune system has adapted to an environment where there's nothing cat-ish (not his words by the way, mine =]) and furry, and because i'm suddenly in an environment where there are cats and cat hair everywhere, i.e my house, i'm having allergic reactions to it. my eyes go all shite and i get uncontrollable sneezing fits, which make Eli laugh, but i'm not so much with the laughage =]

so doctor...

I was really hoping it would be James McAvoy- although i knew it would never happen.

now that, my friends, would be television =]

In other news the very last series of ER will start showing next week. For the last time i'll watch my favourite fictional Doctors and nurses save the lives of the unhappy people of Chicago; people will die, people will live, and something will be inexplicably blown up- classic.

I'm going to be extra mournful though, if that makes sense, simply because the genius creator of ER, and the man behind so many of my favourite things, Michael Crichton died last year from Cancer. He wrote some of my favourite books- The Andromeda Strain, Congo and Jurassic Park- He wrote the screenplays for some of my favourite films-Twister, Jurassic Park- and he created and wrote for my One of my favourite TV shows- ER, which he based on his experiences as a medical student.

Apparently later in this series there are flashback scenes including Dr Greene, one of my fave TV characters of all time, who died in series 8 from a brain tumour (in possibly the most sob-inducing scene in recorded TV history), so expect me to be brokenly sobbing into my laptop and cursing 4OD for constantly skipping.

Anthony Edwards is such a fab actor, but he always dies!!!In ER, and in Top Gun- the scene when Goose dies (his ejector seat is released but the top of his plane doesn't open properly and he bangs his head and dies) always makes me and my sister raise our fists to the air and shout "GOOOOOOOOOOSSSEE!!!!WWWHHHHHHYYYYYY??????". it's a classic scene, and you have to shout it, like when you watch Episode IV: A New Hope and when Ben Kenobi says "Obi-Wan?well there's a name i haven't heard in a long time..." you have to shout "HOW LONG BEN????" before he says "A very long time".

anyway, i'm gonna go have a cup of tea =]

Wow, i wrote about a lot of's like those puzzles on the back of yogurt pots or whatever- "see how many you can count!"

anyway, yeah, tea =]

Peace Up, A-Town Down

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