Friday 30 January 2009

Idiot Girl


i could not have been more stupid if i had tried- seriously, it's actually epic- you couldn't write something like it, you'd just never think anyone could BE that stupid

Ok, so it's starts with me running off to my seminar in E.Pollard for Narrative Theory at about 1:45pm. This is where i first went wrong- i completely ignored the fact that E.Pollard begins with an 'E' and instead went to Rutherford, instead of Elliot. Smooth.

I ran around for 10 minutes desperately asking anyone and everyone where E.Pollard is, including some incredibly baffled Russian people who when i said "Do you know where E.Pollard is??" went "er (something in Russian) I, er, not know, Er...maybe that?" and pointed at Rutherford reception. I stared at them desperately bemused before going "Er...yeah, thanks, bye!" and skipping away as they all turned and waved- it would have been proper legit if i hadn't been in such a rush

after being told by a rather amused 3rd year that E.Pollard was in Elliot- "because, here's the catch, it begins with an E"...yeah, i laughed too- i then went to Elliot, by which time i was about 15 minutes late. i started running around there, and after another 5minutes i found E.Pollard- but there was a completely different seminar group in there, for 'The Tale'. by this point i was so spazztastical as it dawned on me that maybe i had got confused with other seminar times and had got it wrong. i went out into the courtyard where i phoned Charlotte and got her to check my timetable; I was right

The seminar started at 4, not 2. I wasn't 20 minutes late for my seminar at all- infact i was about an hour and 40 minutes early.

completely exhausted i stumbled home, occasionally falling asleep and tripping over a bench on the way. i came home and sat on my bed, despondent and more tired than i could ever remember.

My excuse; I had 3 hours sleep last night and had to get up at 7:30 this morning.

urgh, god i'm such a fool


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