Sunday 18 January 2009

I must stop with all the izzles

i keep putting 'izzle' on the end of everything.

like i said to beth earlier "i'll tell you that for frizzle" instead of free

and i'm reading 'sense and sensizzle'

and i asked Charlotte if i could borrow her 'hair sprizzle' instead of hair spray

ah well.

Today has been uneventful, which is a shame, but last night was so good. everyone just got drunk in our house, and Richard, Christophe, Sarah and Sarah came over. me and Connie could not stop laughing and Charlotte was using strongbow as a mixer with vodka- needless to say she was a tad worse for wear this morning. everyone else wandered off between 12 and 1 ish so Jimmy came over and we watched Pineapple Express, which he loved, why wouldn't he? i did keep falling asleep though, because i was tired and tiddly, and getting woken up by gunshots and explosions, which was quite reminded me of when i saw 'Mr and Mrs Smith' round Steffan's and kept falling asleep on his sofa and being woken up by explosions and stuff- except i fell asleep when i saw that film because it was utter shit, not because i was drunk

i thought i would be more hungover, but mine only lasted like 15-20mins after i got up and then it went so i was quite lucky. i've sat about pretty much all day, singing along to stuff and generally wasting time. i keep trying to read 'Sense and Sensibility', but the first time i did i fell asleep and Charlotte came and woke me up, and the second time i just started daydreaming, and when i looked at my clock 20 minutes had past and i was still on the same page

i dunno what's going on tonight, i think Charlotte Connie and me may be watching films or we all might be going down to Woody's cos Emma and Vicky will be back by now, but i'm not sure. i'm still really tired from last night, i didn't get to sleep until 4 and then got woken up this morning by my phone going off so it's no good. i may just stay in and watch 'Sex and the City' to be honest, cos i'm still only on series 4, but that seems a tad unsociable

i am undecided.

what a surprise(!)


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