Saturday 10 January 2009

Not much to say...

i'm sitting here right now watching Final Destination 3, and i have to admit, even though the dialogue is absolute rubbish the rollercoaster crash was quite scary and unnerving.

Dad's sitting next to me on the sofa, currently eating doritos that i can't anymore- ate too many and drank too much fizzy orange, and fell kinda bleurgh. how are you dad?
Dadsy:currently a-ok,this could change with continued seems okish.

Ha that was my dad =] some girl's about to die from burning to death on a tanning bed. nice.

today was pretty funk-ae. went to norwich and saw role models. it was ok, but it was one of those films where the funniest bits were in the trailer-

ooohhh my god that's disgusting. the people in the sun beds caught fire. oh my god i actually feel sick. why am i still watching this???i think i'm gonna read sense and sensibility. urgh, it's made me shuddery.

anyway, the film was okay. i officially love Paul Rudd, but he pretty much won me over as Mike in Friends, so it wasn't hard =]

i spoke to Claire for ages today, about loads of stuff, family, boys (wahey claireus!) and it was really good. i'm really looking forward to going back to Canterbury now, and seeing everyone. especially some people- they know who they are =]

i'm gonna go now. this has been quite a short blog, but not much has happened. ooh- except i discovered that you can watch ER free for 30 days after it's been on on 4OD so i won't miss any!!!YAYAYAY!!!!!


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