Wednesday 21 January 2009

Holy drunken idiot, Batman

Oh dear.
Well, i was on fine form last night;
copious amounts of alcohol+not enough sleep in the last 2 days= a very stupid and overtly emotional Amy George.
I'm a bit embarrassed, and when i say a bit a mean incredibly and when i say embarrassed i mean i want to crawl into a hole somewhere and be like ", i'm gonna be in here for a while, so try and forget everything that happened last night whilst i am, please?"
So here's the inventory of last night's actions...ish;
-i got VERY drunk
-i fell asleep in the kitchen
-i was really angry for some unknown reason
-i had a go at someone a bit unnecessarily, although i'm glad we spoke
-i did something bad that i will never say. it was so stupid. urgh.
-i cried (i was so tired by this, i am the literal definition of tired and emotional, cos if i get tired i cry really easily)
-i went to bed at like 1:15am
-i woke up toasty in my room, still somewhat drunk and feeling very ashamed/sorry for myself

when my hangover hits me later today it is going to be the Mother of all hangover. if i still feel this tiddly now then i am severely scuppered.
i think the worst bit of it is that i had a go at everyone when they were trying to pick me up, but they were only trying to help- i was just so embarrassed that it even happened i think it was like a knee-jerk reaction. i need to say sorry to everyone though, although it's gonna be so embarrassing seeing them again. i think the key word here is 'embarrassed'. yep. and 'ashamed'.

i should imagine i'll get drunk again at some point but believe me when i say i am never going to do that to my friends ever again.

does the term Douche-Bag ring any bells?yep- it does.

Sorry everyone =]


1 comment:

Elija Black said...

I know that you're ashamed, so emotional it kills you.
Don't you know that you're ashamed, so emotional is kills you.

On a more serious note, don't worry about it, we've all done crazy things while drunk.