Tuesday 31 March 2009

Scariest conversation of my life

(Charlotte walks into my room whilst i am singing the 'Back to the Future' theme tune)

Me:ba-ba-baaa, ba ba ba ba ba baaaa be ba be be ba baaaa-
Charlotte:Don't suppose you need to go to the library?
Me:Nope. (louder)Ba-ba-baaa, ba ba ba ba ba Why don't you ask Connie? baaaa be ba be ba baaa-
Charlotte:she's already there
(Charlotte huffs and walks out)
Me:Hey!!i was singing 'Back to the Future' to you!!
(Charlotte comes back in)
Me:Back to the future- i was singing it. you know, "ba ba baaaa ba ba ba ba ba-"
Charlotte:What's that?
Me:What's what?
Charlotte:Back to the Future
Me:(silence)...wh..wh, wh, what?you know, (points at poster on wall) 'Back to the Future'!
(Charlotte looks confused)
Me:but-but-but, it's, it's the film...you know, i mean it's 'Back to the Future'
Charlotte:Never seen it
(Charlotte walks away. I sit distraught that someone could be so cavalier about the fact they havenae seen one of the greatest films in the history of everything)

I don't know why the universe put me in a room next to her. i really don't.


feeling hot hot hot

I woke up this morning when my foot touched my radiator and consequently got burnt- it caned. I can't remember switching it on (my radiator, not my foot. i don't have some bionic metal foot that i have to switch on in order to be able to walk and stuff. although that could be cool...especially if it had gadgets in it too...) but switched it off and went to my romanticism lecture. i came back half an hour ago and opened my bedroom door to be hit by a wave of heat equal only to that of a jet engine...maybe =]

My room is SWELTERING and i cannae turn off my radiator!!!it's like im in some tropical country, it's SO HOT, not that i would know how a ridiculously hot country feels, mind (yet-bring on 2011!!) and i think my radiator's stuck on!!im gonna nap now but hopefully it'll sort itself out before i go to narrative

Ohhh Gooood, i'm so HOT!!


Office Chair Karma

Tonight i facebook raped Connie Keen with such flair and Pa-Zaz that even she admits she was a little bit proud of me. maybe;

BY FAR ONE OF MY PROUDEST MOMENTS AT UNI-better than getting a 1st

Yep- that's right- i just fell off of my office chair as i was taking the mickey out of Connie. I was sitting on the edge of it with my legs on the bed, shifted forward a little and BAM- the chair slid backwards and i ended up with my legs around my head in between the bed and the chair.

It looked good, i can tell you now.

My backside hurts so bad now. OWWWW.

Classy as always. Connie said it was Karma for facebook raping her- i say it was something stupid i did that resulted in me getting hurt- so technically an everyday normal occurrence.

Time for bed now- i have to be up at 7:30am. FUN.


Monday 30 March 2009

if i ever create anything as magical as this i will die happy


My new best friend 'Jack'

(Walking back from the Big shop on campus, down Parkwood path listening to Charlotte's ipod. A large-ish guy with almost shoulder length hair, coming the other way, starts to wave at me- i have no idea who he is, but casually fling my hand about as a half-kinda-"hi" and he veers towards me.)
Random Bloke (RB):(mouths) hey! (makes a gesture to tell me to pull out my headphone)
Me:(hesitantly pulling out headphone)Er...Hey?
Random Bloke:Amy George! How are you? (goes to hug me)
Me:(avoiding the hug by putting out my hand) Erm, i'm good, listen i'm really sorry, and this happens a lot so don't think i'm being rude or anything but have we met?
Random Bloke:(looks confused)Er, yeah, Amy, it's me- Jack!
Me:(thinking 'who?' and feeling bad) Right! erm, how do i know you, sorry?
'Jack':Er- we met at a mungo's last term, and at another one earlier on in this term!remember- i spilt my drink on you accidentally? you got really annoyed but then i made you laugh and we chatted for about half an hour afterwards?
Me:(Not remembering a single thing)I'm really sorry, but i don't remember that at all. This is going to sound awful, but was i drunk?
'Jack':Erm, i dunno, you seemed ok, maybe a bit tipsy- you had a few VKs...
Me:How many is 'a few'?
'Jack':If i remember rightly you'd had about 4-
Me:Yeah, i was drunk
'Jack':Really? On 4 VK's?
Me:What can i say?i'm all kinds of pathetic
'Jack':(laughing a bit too hard) yeah, i remember now, i really liked you because you made me laugh
Me:(Getting kinda nervous because no memory of him has occurred to me and he's still laughing- what i said wasn't even that funny) haha, well, you know, i try my best to spread the joy, so to speak
'Jack':So how come you never texted me back?
Me:(thinking WTF)I gave you my number?!
'Jack':Yeah!don't act so surprised- we got on really well!!
Me:(thinking 'really?why?you have long hair')yeah, well like i said i can't remember you so i probably didn't recognise the number or something and just ignored it- sorry
'Jack':(getting out his phone) well, how about i give you a call sometime?i'd love to meet up again
Me:(thinking 'ok, you need to leave now')Erm, i dunno-
'Jack':Oh, come on, what are you not single anymore?
Me:(deciding to lie as best as i can)Uh-huh, yeah, that's the trouble, i'm taken now, sorry
'Jack':(looking disappointed)Ah, what?who's the lucky guy?
Me:(looking shifty) Erm, er, Chris
Me:Yep- good ol' chris, we er, we met at the venue, and really hit it off you know
'Jack':Oh right, well how long have you guys been going out?
Me:(Thinking 'what is this 21 questions?' and panicking, knowing the lie will fall through soon)Er, like a month now, yeah, we er, we're really er, happy, you know?
'Jack':oh, well if you're happy then that's good
'Jack':How about i just call you anyway, for old times sake?
Me:(thinking we've met twice before this-what old time?!')Well, er-
'Jack':(looking at his phone)Your numbers 07843 555 559, right?
Me:(trying really hard not to laugh as i realise that isn't my number)Yep!that's the ticket!!you should definitely call me, er, jack right?
'Jack':(laughing too much again) Oh don't worry! I will!! see you soon then Amy!
(he goes to hug me and i put my hand out again)
Me:Yep, fo' shizzle you will!
'Jack':(laughing harder)HA!!fo' shizzle- you're hilarious! Take care!

And off he walked.

By far one of the strangest things to happen to me since i have been in Canterbury.

God, i'm so ashamed of myself. but strangely proud of my lie AND the fact that i was quite obviously trapped by him in Mungo's otherwise i wouldn't have given him a fake no- i only do that when im trapped. PHEW- cos for a minute when we were talking i thought i'd lost every principle i'd lay down for myself when it came to blokes and long hair.

he didn't even look like a Jack, you know?


Sunday 29 March 2009

What a blog looks like if you're trying to eat a cheese sandwich whilst typing

i havnae blogged for ages. and this weekend was epic, but too much happened so i'll summarise;

Emma had a fab birthday

There you go!

this makes me laugh so much at the mo, i cannae get enough;

i know this is a really poor effort of a blog, but i am shattered, and trying to eat a cheese sandwich at the same time as typing so it was never going to be special

nite y'all


Friday 27 March 2009

The world is not fair.

I am in utter despair. UTTER DESPAIR. you don't get much more despairing than utterly despaired so i think it's safe to say maybe i am the most despairing person in the world. ok, this sentence stopped making sense about 7 words in, so i'll stop it now

I was straightening my fringe, and basking in the glory of my hair and it's wonderfully wonderful natural brilliance when i noticed something shiny in my hair. thinking it was just a piece of hair that was a bit wet still i ignored it. but after i'd done i looked in the mirror and it caught my eye again, and i noticed it was just one hair that was shiny. i went up to the mirror, looked and almost started crying;

I had found a grey hair.

It was completely white, like Storm from X-Men. i pulled it out straight away, which hurt, and noticed that it was one of the long bits of hair, which freaked me out even more because it was entirely white.I AM 19 YEARS OLD!!!THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!

i phoned my dad and wailed down the phone "DAAAAD!!!!OHMYGOD I FOUND A GREY HAIR!!!!what the hell!!??" and dad just laughed and went "oh dear" and i said "well i mean, you're supposed to find at least one grey hair at my age, right?i mean everyone has them, yeah??" and he just went "er, no i don't think so. You'll be like your mum and your sister then" and i just went "What?What do you mean?" and then dad told me mum and my older sister went grey in their very early 20's. I could've sobbed.Thanks dad.thanks a lot.

My Hair is my crowning glory!!!it's the only sodding thing i like about myself, and now it's bloody ruined!!!!it's a joke!!!!!!!this cannot be happening.i hate my life. i hate you. not really. i don't even know who 'you' is. ok, i've gone mad.

I'm going to keep count- if i don't find anymore in the next month i'll call it just a random hair. if i find anymore then i am going to die a little bit inside.

oh my god this is so stupid.


i need to calm down


This actually happened though

This is based on a true story;



Thursday 26 March 2009

The person behind this should recieve a knighthood


if they'd made them like this originally i may have actually owned one. Bagsie the Chewbacca and Han Solo ones. ACE.


All eyes on me in the centre of the ring just like a...

Last night was Circus night at the venue- IT WAS AMAZING. the lead up to the night was shockingly wubbish, and i almost didn't go- everything that happened before hand basically told me not to go, but i persevered goddammit, because i hadn't been out since the previous Friday due to illness and lack of anything to do :D it was so worth it though- last night was ACE.

The Funniest quote of the night;
Richard: "I'm as drunk as Kerry Katona on any given day"

The 'ooh- it's a bit too soon isn't it?' quote of the night;
Richard's friend Nic (via text): "I'm as happy as Jack Tweedy"

when i finally got there it was pretty amazing, cept from the creepy air filled clown thing- there was a bloke inside this clown outfit that was over-sized and blown up with air. it was creepalicious. as i queued to get in i overheard a bloke say to one of his mates "I think i just saw a dwarf in the crotch of that clown" and his mate turned round and said "Dude- we were sposed to save the weed for later, yeah?what you playing at" and no matter how much this guy insisted he hadn't smoked anything his mate wasn't having any of it. it was hilarious.

I hung out with Alex, Mark, Colin and a very flighty Ted who kept disappearing to get off with girls- who can blame him though right? i kept going to find Connie and Charlotte & co though, but everytime i ran off i kept giving Alex my camera for some strange and unknown reason and then when i'd want to take a picture with the girlies i kept going "Alex has got my bloody camera, the thief". i have no idea why, so please don't ask!!! he hadn't stolen anything, and actually kept coming to find me to give me my camera. i remember telling him i was giving it to him so he couldn't just leave without saying bye, like Mark had already done, but that's a ridiculous reason really. im such an ijit.

Alex left at about half twelve-ish (ahaha tennish...LOL) and i remember that's when the dancing and singing really kicked into gear- Connie was absolutely astounded at my knowledge of old school pop music, and when i (im ashamed to admit it) started singing and dancing along with Westlife's 'When you're looking like that' she actually just stopped and stared at me and i went "What?!" and she just went "How do YOU know the words to THIS song??!!!" and i just went "I LOVE THIS SONG!!" which i actually do. even though i hate Westlife, there's no denying the genius that is 'When you're looking like that'...

I remember about an hour before the place closed everyone just randomly started making out with each other. the crazed fire breathing man had something to do with it i reckon. i must have kissed Richard and Connie at least twice each. But i got rave reviews- everyone kept coming up and saying i was the best kisser :D well, you know, i try my best to please everyone...My dad must be so proud. NOT.

NEW SERIES OF THE APPRENTICE STARTED LAST NIGHT. it is already amazing. i already hate the Geordie bloke, the first team leader for the girls (Morna), the woman Anita who got fired (YEEEESSS!!!) and this blond woman who talks so much out the side of her mouth i thought she had like a facial problem or something. she's SO annoying. but Morna is the most annoying. and the Geordie bloke who just shouts and gets angry at NOTHING. i love it. and Sir Alan Sugar is god. this was my favourite Apprentice quote for week 1, when Sir Alan was trying to explain why he resents people who are all talk and no action;

"I know all the words to Candle In The Wind- don't make me Elton John"

If i ever met/saw Sir Alan Sugar- and i know this goes for my younger sister Kage too because she is equally obsessed with the show/him- i think i would just fall over. like i would be walking along, see him and suddenly BAM on the floor, all sense of balance gone from just sheer excitedness. it would be amazing. this series should be amazing. but they'll never top Raef. NEVER!!!!!

right, well, i'm gonna go make another cup of tea. i've been awake since 7:30, and i have no idea why i woke up but i did, so yay i spose.


Tuesday 24 March 2009

Double the inhalation, double the fun

This is more for Panders' sake than anything, but you know, feel free to stand in awe of it or something;
here is my new beast of an inhaler- it's the red one, and the blue one is my old one. i have to use them both still though, which is as fun as you can imagine.
(The bloody thing cost me £7 as well- not happy. being 19 sucks already)

Connie and Charlotte reckon this makes me twice the geek that i was. i didn't know that was even possible, to BE geekier than i already was. but hey, i'm all about progress

New Apprentice tomorrow night- GET IN. I'm so excitedly excited it's quite ridiculous. i'd be ashamed of myself if it wasn't for the fact that the Apprentice actually warrants such obsessive and fanatical behaviour =]


Monday 23 March 2009

Definitely in a better mood

So today hasn't been the greatest day. I got told my asthma was worse, i didn't sleep last night, my room was an absolute tip, Connie didn't come back as planned and i have to get up at 7:30am tomorrow. But despite all this the day didn't turn out all bad either.

I spoke to my Dad this morning on the phone, after the doctors, feeling ever so low and just about ready to give up and come home (This may seem melodramatic now, but remember i had just been told that i wasn't capable of breathing properly, and i had been awake for well over 24 hours) and he just said to me "just try and make the most of the day you have today- do little things which will come to something at the end of the day. if your room's untidy, tidy it. if you need to sleep, sleep. do whatever you can, but don't push yourself". So i did. I came home, dozed for about 6 hours (i still couldn't sleep properly because everytime i fell asleep i coughed and woke myself up, but i fell in an out of it) and the whole time Charlotte was so nice to me, she really took care of me. She got me water and cups of tea, and kept randomly coming in to "see if i was still breathing", and made me laugh. she kept me cheery when i needed it. So thanks to her :D

I got up and had what turned out to be a wonderful shower- i came out feeling rejuvenated and all yay. i went to the shop and got basic food stuff, had something to eat and then watched a couple of episodes of Black Books on 4OD. after that i decided to do something with my day, so i chose the questions i was going to do for my essays and then looked up prospective books online and made a note of them so i can get them out this week and start work. i then cleaned my room and changed my sheets and stuff, which took quite a while, and while it seems like a small thing it made me feel a millions times better to actually be able to see my floor :)

i was nearly done with the cleanage when i got a text off of Charlotte telling me to come and watch the rest of Bridget Jones' Diary 2 with her, which i did- i bloody love that film, and the previous one. I want a Mr Darcy. i think everyone says that, but it's true. Richard Curtis write the perfect man. and Colin Firth looks incredible in a suit, but then again any man looks amazing in a suit. SUITS FTW. i think it should be a law that every bloke has to wear a suit, all the time. and if it rains they can't use brollies, so they just walk about all wet and suited...sigh...

right, i'm getting distracted =] i'm about to watch a few episodes of SATC and then off to bed with me- god knows i need a good night's sleep :) thank god for the thirteen hours i had a couple of days ago- they have rather saved me i think


Do you want the good news or the bad news?

I didn't sleep at all last night, due to constant coughing, and made an executive decision to go to the doctors today.

Good News: I don't have a chest infection

Bad News: The reason i'm ill is because my asthma has gotten worse and my inhaler wasn't strong enough. I now have a better, and unfortunately bigger, inhaler that i have to use twice a day after my blue one. Yay. hopefully this will make the asthma-age better.
Oh- and i had to pay for it. >: (

I won't explain the science of it, cos tbh i'm exhausted and in the worst mood possible, and i really would just like to sleep now. so goodnight



My throat ache went, and i was really happy and smiley and yay.

Then i ran out of Lockets. That was three hours ago.


OH MY GOD IT HURTS MORE THEN BEFORE!!!How is that even possible???how is it even fair!!????

i have concluded that i am a lockets junkie- FEAR THE WRATH OF MY EVER-ACHING THROAT!!!

it really really hurts :( I'm gonna have to be like Dwane Hoover and take a vow of silence...except his was so he could get his parents to agree to let him become a jet pilot, not because he had a sore throat...but same difference, you know?


i don't even have milk. or money for milk. that reminds me, Charlotte owes me a £10. sweet. New Total Film and Empire anyone??Nicely done.

Right...i'm gonna go get some more water. even though water is BORING, unless your hungover or really hot or you need a shower or whatever, it's helping my throat. not as much as milk would, but beggars cannae be choosers now can they?



Sunday 22 March 2009

Mucho Vloggage

Fancied a change of scenery.

This video has showed me just how bent and wonky my glasses actually are now. a trip to specsavers is needed IMMEDIATELY.

Also, atm i'm being comfy in short shorts and my kent hoodie- i heard someone in the kitchen and thinking it was Charlotte i opened my door and jumped out of my room, knowing that the sight of me in short shorts would make her laugh-a-lot, but it wasn't her, it was Jimmy. He just looked me up and down and laughed and i went "HEY!you shush-i'm ill, i'm allowed to looks shoddy". It was quite embarrassing.


I have a meatball in my bra

Pizza is a wonderous thing, but it can get ever so messy.

today has been fairly uneventful, and by fairly i mean very and by very i mean possibly the most boring day of my life EVER. i have been confined to my room pretty much all weekend due to a very bad case of lurg. i havenae stopped coughing/stopped being snotty all weekend, it sucks so hard. i'm currently drugged up on lockets and lemsip, but none of it's helping :(

Everyone in my house looks at me like i've been soaked in some kind of radioactive shizzle, except Charlotte- Charlotte just doesn't care, which is fine by me.

i watched 'In Bruges' today, and it pleasantly surprised me. I really don't like black comedies, they have no place in my heart after i was made by my, supposedly best, friend Gav to go see Nicholas Cage in 'The Weather Man' (it shook the foundations of my belief in cinema, just like 'The Terminal' did for my love of Tom Hanks...shudder) and then watched 'Big Nothing'. The second that awful american accent came out of Simon Pegg's mouth i wanted to shut it off. i didn't. it was a mistake not to.

But yeah, after i'd been told by zoe that she thought it was "good even though everyone at the end...oh no wait, i won't say. But it's a black Comedy" i'd pretty much resigned myself to the fact it might be crappy. Alex raved about it, but we often don't have the same taste in film. hence why he still hasn't bloody watched Jaws. FFS man it's a classic!!!! anyway, yeah, i wasn't expecting to be pleased at the end...

i thought it was fab. It made me LOL, yes LOL really loud sometimes, it was quite sad at some points too though, but i thought it was really, really clever. yayness. It's like yesterday i watched 'Little Miss Sunshine', and i really REALLY liked that- i thought it was fantabuloso, and i am officially in love with both Steve Carrell and Paul Dano. I LOVE THEM.

right, i'm off to be more bored. and panicky about work. and coughy. and sniffy.
It's been a good weekend.


Saturday 21 March 2009

Thank Mr 'Bama =]

I didn't know about this until about 5 minutes ago;

I think Barack Obama is officially my favourite person ever.

'cept my dad of course =]


How could i have forgotten this until now??!!!

You know how life is made all the more wonderful by the random, spontaneous moments of genius that occur every now and then? i had such an experience yesterday, walking through campus.

As i was walking back from my seminar the man in front of me picked up his phone, dialled a number and then said;

"Hi, Barry? It's Scott."

No word of a lie.

imagine being friends with them!!
"So who'd you go out with last night?"
"Barry, Scott-"

oh if only.



I was playing Glen Miller to Markworth yesterday, and he said he liked it. This got me thinking about how good old music really is- and Connie and Charlotte had no idea who Glen Miller was when i asked them. It kinda makes me sad. Cos even though there is an amazing lot of music around now, it shouldn't lessen the appeal or the magic of older music.

I have a ridiculously eclectic taste in music- the only thing i can't really stand is reggae music, and even then i love 'If i had words' by Scott Fitzgerald & Yvonne Keeley. awesome song, so really i love all kinds of music. One of my mates couldn't get their head around the fact that i'm a HUGE Muse fan, but also love Lady GaGa, or that one of my favourite songs in the world is The Righteous Brothers You've lost that loving feeling but i think Avenged Sevenfold are completely legit. It was as if, for them, if you like one kind of music you can't like another. I think that's the problem- people assume just because you like one genre that's it. but that's not it at all- if you think like that you'll miss so much music!!

I have my parents and my older sister to thank for my eclectic taste- whilst my mum constantly played us stuff like Doris Day, The Everly Brothers, Motown hits, and pop music from the 60's, 70's, 80's my Dad would play The Jam, The Clash, Genesis, Depeche Mode. They both adore the Rat-Pack era, and that music was such a huge influence on me, my brother and sister that we named our cat after Frank Sinatra. And then my sister introduced us to more recent stuff, particularly rock music like Metallica, Pantera, Blink 182, old school Greenday and the like- my brother in law introduced me to Muse when i was 13, and i'm still obsessed with them =] But they also showed me stuff like Jay-Z, Dr Dre, and music like Air and Daft Punk- so many different genres. and of course once we'd all learnt there was other stuff like that we found our bands to like, and more came along. These days i cannot think of a single genre where there isn't something i don't like. Apart from Lily Allen. She makes me mad. because she's utterly shite. and recently ruined ELO.The talentless Bitch.

so when it came down to it, music pretty much surrounded everything our family did. that's why i can have Katy Perry's 'Hot 'n' Cold' and Glen Miller's 'In the Mood' on my phone, accompanied by Calvin Harris and, er, the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles...well, Vanilla Ice was in the film!!!!He taught them to fight using the power of dance, don't you know.

I love these songs so much btw- and you never get performances this good anymore;

Urgh, i'm really unwell at the mo. i'm all high on lemsip and soothers (although i've now run out of lemsip NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!) and my nose is all "hey, let's get bunged up so amy can only breathe through her mouth" and then my cough is all "Yeah!!and then whenever she tries to breathe in through her mouth i'll make her cough so she's miserable!!". urgh i should never have gone out last night dammit!!i've pulled a muscle from all the coughing so my tummy hurts too. i wish there was someone here to molly coddle me- my ma would've wrapped me up in blankets and found "Honey I shrunk the Kids" on TV for me. either that or Arthur.

Right- im going to sleep now. My dadsy has given me permission to not work at all today and instead get better =] yayness =]


Friday 20 March 2009

The Blog where Amy argues with herself, worryingly

I have Obsessive Compulsive Disord- ER


Jimmy Carr posted a tweet which reads as follows;
jimmycarr "I know it 'jumped the shark' long ago but I'm so invested in ER. Can they stop the drama and just make everyone live happily ever after?"

I was fully planning on going to bed. But now i can't. even though i have to get up at 7:30 i need to watch ER.

this is ridiculous, i can't let a television show run when i sleep. don't be so stupid, it's just a show, i can watch t any time, im going to bed.
Maybe just half an hour...


I've just realised that this blog reveals just how much Popular Culture (ie Twitter and TV) affect my sad and strange little world...No wonder i'm so easily persuaded by things, apparently all it takes is a glowing screen.


Claireus' 20th birthday fandango

Wahey!!what a fab night, in the end. got there eventually =] We all went to 'the penny' for Claire's birthday, and here is an itinerary of my day and evening for those who care, in chronological order none-the-less;

-Got up early...well, 10 but that is actually early for me =]
-Went to the cashpoint to check if my bursary had gone in and it had; did a little dance infront of the cashpoint to celebrate having money in my life again which made the bloke behind me laugh, and which i called 'The Bursary Dance'
-Went into town to get Claire's presents (a copy of Vogue and a bracelet from Accesorise)
-Came home to a kitchen full of people most of whom i didn't know, shouting my name- it was FAB
-Cleaned my room
-Chillaxed for a bit
-Started getting tired, and kinda annoyed at nothing
-My dress got caught in my coat before we left and i thought i would cry i was so annoyed
-had to wait 50 MINUTES for a bus, in the freezing cold
-got to the Penny, ordered food, and it was honk
-was in a really pissy mood for about an hour
-drank a bit, Connie and Charlotte made me laugh and i started feeling better
-The White Stripes song 'Seven Nation Army' came on, and i asked Connie who she thought the band was; she said very smugly/wrongly "I know- it's The Red Hot Chilli Peppers" and i couldn't stop laughing. Charlotte asked what i was laughing at and i said "Connie doesn't know who this song is sung by"and Charlotte went "i know who it is- it's The Red Hot Chilli Peppers".
-I died from laughing at the pair of them
-i bumped into Laura, who told me something very VERY interesting
-The Streets song "Fit but you know it" came on, and i turned round to Connie and said "Hey Con, you can sing this because it's your voice" and Connie starts ignoring me =]
-Connie talked to me again
-the night/music got really good and everyone started having a proper big laugh
-people got too drunk (not me though :D)
-went home
-realised worryingly i had spent a bit of money
-then realised it wasn't too bad actually because i have money to spend
-realised i'd lost my inhaler
-found my inhaler =]

Now im all happy and sober, but anxious about tomorrow, because i have to get up at 7:30am. Bad times.


Thursday 19 March 2009

What kind of Pokemon are you?/Amy reveals her alter-ego 'Geekatron'

I took a Pokemon personality test earlier today, because i was a)bored and b)held captive by my nerdish sense of intrigue. The results were as follows;

You are a Blissey;

You are a Blissey. All you want to do is help others, and it makes others like you very much. You care for everyone, not just your friends.

It really made me smile =]

Geek? You Love It.


Wednesday 18 March 2009


Shit the bed i have hayfever.
The weather today is actually incredible, it really is- it's so shiny and sunny and breezy, it's so lovely. i went for a wander in the hope of achieving 2 things;
1)Some kind of hangover cure. (It actually kinda worked!!)
2)To appreciate le wonderous weather. it's tres belle outside =]

But i inadvertently achieved something else. As i was walking my eyes REALLY started itching, but i remembered the previous afternoon before i'd gone out i'd accidentally sprayed myself in the eye with hairspray, so i assumed it was some throwback reaction to that. But then my nose started itching and really running, and as i walked across the field by Tyler Court B i started sneezing- and i mean REALLY sneezing. My eyes were streaming, and i was just sneezing and sniffing- i looked spectacularly spesh.

I had to come home in order to take some hayfever tablets i brought with me for precautionary measures- thank god i did. my eyes are calming down now, but my nose is still spazzing.


i could never get married in the summer. my make-up would be bloody everywhere. The vicar would ask me if i took Matt Bellamy to be my lawfully wedded husband etc and i wouldn't say "I do" i'd say "At-choo"
Ok, that joke was so bad. i am officially an old person. Old man would be proud of my old man style joke- YOU LOVE IT PANDERS!!! =]

right- im off to go do something proactive but not useful =]


*Is it just me, or does 'Gayfever' sound like an amazing name for a musical??Andrew Llyod Webber will be contacting me shortly i should imagine, to steal yet ANOTHER one of my fantastic ideas...tsk,tsk that old dog
Shit the bed i've got hayfever. THIS IS SO ANNOYING- IT'S SUPPOSED TO HAVE GONE AWAY.

St.Patrick's Day Aftermath

The only consolation i have at the minute, is the idea that there are millions of people who feel as awful, probably more awful, as i do. Urgh. It's one of those horrible hangovers, where you're still slightly drunk and really feel the need to vom, but you know you won't.


Last night was a proper good laugh though, i had such a fab time. i didn't leave until like 5 though, and i woke up at like 9 and couldn't go back to sleep, so im pretty tired. Yawnage is occurring very often.

This blog isn't gonna be very long because i feel like wubbish. Hope everyone had a good St Patrick's Day- Yay to the Irish


Tuesday 17 March 2009

ok, so here's the thing...

I'm supposed to be working; either reading 'Frankenstein', choosing a question, reading up stuff or watching films for cinema. but im not doing that. because im scared if i start to work it'll hit me how much work i have to do. that'd be a really, awfully, terribly, scarily bad thing. And i figured if i write this is small font then it won't seem so much of a big deal...right?

I'm not scared...not one little bit...


"What do you mean you don't know who ELO are?Are you an idiot?I think so."

"Sun is shinin' in the sky, there ain't a cloud in sight, It's stopped rainin', ev'rybody's in a playin',And don't you know it's a beautiful new day,hey-ey-ey "

One of my mates always thought ELO stood for Elephants Like Oranges. i would say "But what does that have to do with music?" and he would just say "What doesn't it have to do with music, is the question you should be asking"...yeah, he was a bit mental. a legend though.


It's gonna be another fantabuloso day, i just know it. Yesterday was SUCH A GOOD DAY i just couldn't stop smiling- and nothing really happened as such, except i just had a laugh with everyone. i spent the day with Connie and Charlotte, and we had a picnic outside the front of our house with our 'deck chairs' that were really office chairs, although Charlotte did have this hefty old pink chair that looked like a deck chair, so you know. As we were sitting there this guy who works in the Parkwood essentials, who i think is quite a fitty, walked past, and i said a bit too loudly "Hey look there's the fit guy from the shop" to which he turned round and looked at us, and saw me Connie and Charlotte just looking at him. he looked amused and kept walking, as they laughed at me whilst i died of embarrassment. Connie went in to get a drink, and as she did Charlotte started laughing. i said "what are you laughing at now?" to which she just pointed as the shop bloke turned into Marley court- He lived in number 4. i was mortified. Charlotte started screaming "CONNIE!!!GUESS WHO LIVES IN MARLEY COURT WITH US??!!" as i slunk behind my copy of 'Frankenstein' and prayed he hadn't seen us properly. i can never go in that shop again. =]

Not much happened during the afternoon. we hung out in my room for a while, and then i kicked them out to have a nap- i couldn't though because i was too freaked out by this cruddy zombie ghost thing Connie had showed me...urgh...

i had a lovely tea with Zoe, and then hung out with the girlies in the kitchen before heading to Alex's to watch 'Big Train' which is this Simon Pegg sketch show i'd never heard of- i know, i was shocked too. But he is the TV guru, so you know. It was quite funny actually. some of it was a bit "hmm" but i laughed out loud at some of the bits. we then watched his fave episode of 'Curb your enthusiasm", which did make me laugh SO HARD, i loved it. we chillaxed a bit before being joined by Markworth and Tedworth and then mucked about. me, Ted and Alex took his office chair outside and me and Alex spun on it and then ran as fast as we could and as far as we could before things went awry- he almost ran into a tree and then couldn't find us even though we were right in front of him, and i went about 6 feet and then fell flat on my face- it was so funny

Ted went home, and me and Alex watched an episode of Monkey brass or something which i didn't think was very funny, but then watched an episode of black books which was HILARIOUS. it was fantasmagical

i came home and read Frankenstein for a little bit before falling asleep at 1:30, which is probably the earliest i've been to bed since the first night i went home, about 2 weeks ago. SWEET. i woke up this morning at 7:00am because i miss-set my alarm, but felt surprisingly awake, or so i thought until i was woken up again at 7:30am by my ma calling me like i'd asked her to. i felt straight back asleep, missed my lecture, and woke up contented at about 10:10 to sunshine and woodpeckers. I'm sure if i said that sentence to Ted he would have something filthy to say about it- but that is why we love him

I'm wearing a summer dress today, in light of the weather, and it looks quite pretty, but i am a bit terrified because it's quite short- but Charlotte argues it's too long for jeans, so i'm going with tights. Now this could go either way; either i'll look really nice all day long and it'll be lovely OR i could fall over somewhere/the wind will blow a bit too hard/ my dress will get stuck somewhere and i will inadvertently flash someone. wonderful. I have to buy Alex chocolate today because last night i kept hitting him with a drink stirrer and it hurt him. i thought he was just being a fool, but then his arm came up all red and he did it to me and it actually did hurt, so i offered chocolatey goodness as a kind of incentive not to hate me- i think it worked =]

right- im off to finish my nourishing meal of cheerios- NICELY DONE.

Yayness =]


Monday 16 March 2009

Funny AS.


Because i got high, because i got high, because i got hii-iigh...la la la la la la la

Today was supposed to be a particularly pro-active-take-charge-do-something-useful-and-actually-work-kinda-day... Yeah, that didn't really happen that way...and by "didn't really happen" i mean it didn't happen that way at all. not even a hint of efficiency occurred today.

But that's not to say it wasn't a good day, mind =]

I've been drawing with my key ring Sharpie's for pretty much 3 hours straight now, and i swear to god im a bit high- i kept laughing at stuff in an episode of 'Firefly' that's sposed to be sad, but i just found it all hilarious. I went into the kitchen to get a cup of tea, and when i walked back in my room it just stunk of that marker pen smell- housekeeping will assume i have some kind of substance abuse problem. As it is the copious amount of empty mugs of tea dotted about my room suggest a possible addiction to caffeine...

I watched an episode of SATC tonight where they spoke about 'Love at first sight', and whether or not it exists, and i thought about whether or not i thought there was such a thing. I'm not an overtly pessimistic person or anything, but i kinda don't. I believe in lust at first sight, and i think that it's possible to fall in love incredibly quickly, whether or not the feeling is reciprocated, but for me personally part of falling in love with someone (and i've only ever been in love with one person, so i'm hardly the expert) is knowing what you do about them- their funny quirks, and their annoying habits- i think you can only be truly in love with a person if you KNOW them- and you can't know everything by simply looking at a person, you need to get to know someone. you can feel/establish a very strong connection to a person, but for me the idea of love at sight is too loose.

Maybe it's just me. But i like to be fully informed before i fall =]

I watched 'The Matrix' today with Jimminy- IT IS FANTABULOSO. oohh my god i love it muchly. I never really got why people were so "ARGHMYGODTHEMATRIXWATCHITWATCHITWATCHITWATCHITNOOOOOOOW!!!" but now i really do- i am throwing myself upon that bandwagon and never getting off...but now im scared to watch the others cos people say they're honk- i dont want it to be like the second series of skins that ruined the first one for me. I loved the first series but the second was absolute tosh and really annoyed me.......eep

right- i'm off to continue spreading the joy*

Nite y'all


*Read: Watch another episode of either 'Firefly' or 'SATC'

Saturday 14 March 2009

Brain Teaser

Yesterday was a brilliant day, better than the day before, but not as good as last week's yesterday, which was 5 times better than the day before yesterday and yesterday itself. Which day did i prefer?


I feel like that should be a question on 'Look Around You'.

Tonight was ace- Mungo's was fantasmagical as usual. But now it's time for some water and a thorough reading through James Herriot, followed by sleeping until about 1 tomorrow, which i can do without feeling guilty about for two reasons; 1)It's a Saturday and 2)I did laundry and shizzle today, so there's no unwanted activity that needs to be attended to

Bursary comes through 19th March- THANK GOD. i was beginning to panic

Nite Y'all


Friday 13 March 2009

The choice is yours

I've never been one for decision makage- i am very much a girl who likes to leave her options open until the last minute, or better yet just have someone else make the decision for me. i hate having to choose stuff, and often wig out just in case my decision has reflected badly upon me or hurt someone else's feeling. This all comes back to what i think is my biggest fault, and i hate myself for it- i care too much about what other people think.

But i now have a decision to make which only i can, and the truth of it is i have to think only about myself and what i want in order for the decision to be effective. when it comes to something like this if i think of other people then in a few years time i may think "bugger, i made the wrong choice". if i do it because i want to do it then it'll never be the wrong choice, even if things don't work out, because it was what i wanted to do at the time.

The only thing is is that i really don't want to make this decision. and i really don't know if i can.


And no, im not gonna write what the decision is, in case i choose one thing, and then there was no point in bringing it up in the first place. the only people who know are my parents and 2 of my closest friends here. and that's how it'll stay. well, maybe the number will go up to 3 closest friends, because the one i'm probably closest too doesn't know yet.

First though, i think i need to decide to do my laundry and tidy my room.


Thursday 12 March 2009

"Iiii'llll beeee theeereee foooor youuuuuuu-ouuuuuuuuuu"

It's a testament to how much of a fantasmagical friend i am, and how much i love Charlotte and Connie, that i have turned down 5, count 'em, FIVE invites to go out tonight. And they all sounded fun too. But i do love my Charlotte and Connie.

What i don't love is when people, and by people i mean boys, are mean to either one of them. Especially boys who have been mean to them on several occasions. And i also don't love blonde idiots who throw themselves at guys who are already involved in relationships. Pfft to them i saysss.

Right, now some chillaxin time. romanticism seminar wasn't as bad as i thought it'd be, but it wasn't a fun-filled-laugh-and-a-half-drawing-a-graph type situation either, so you know



I just told Connie i was going back in my room to do some reading for my seminar...

But i don't think my seminar leader asked me to read Total Film...



Wednesday 11 March 2009

What an awesome sauce day

Here are some AH-MAH-ZING things that have happened thus far to me on this day today- the 11th day of March is today, and that's the day i'm talking about. Day. :D

- I had a really lovely shower. I know that sounds kind of retarded, but it was- the water was just right and the sun was shining through the window, which made everything look extra white and clean. it's the simple things that please me, like how one of the best things about going home was having to use stairs again, but it's true!!Here in fair old Canters i live downstairs, and the only thing i have to go upstairs for is to use the shower, whereas back home my my room and everything are upstairs so it was like "up, down, up down" the whole week and it was really nice!i don't care if that makes me sound like a loser; the stair Nazis of Kent Uni won't get me down.

-The weather is proper fab today. It's all sunny to the max extreme, and even though it was quite windy walking to town it wasn't cold windy it was warm and breezy. i love that word, breezy. BREEEEEEEEZZZY. AND i saw TWO BEES!!!BEES ARE BACK IN TOWN!!!i got all excited because they were the first bees i had seen since the beginning of winter way WAY back in November. Alex just looked at me the same way you'd look at a puppy that had gotten tangled in it's lead; a concoction of sympathy and amusement coupled with an overtly patronising "Aww". :D

-i went to the shake shed, and got a Maoam fruit stripe shake- IT WAS INCREDIBLE. I felt a bit sorry for Alex again though, because the woman who served the milkshake just said "Er, this one is something beginning with 'M'?" and i just threw my hands in the air and went "MAOAM!!" in a ridiculous voice, after having sat waiting for it constantly singing the "M-A-O-A-M-MAOAM!!" song. He must have looked like a guy taking out his kid sister who's a little bit of a spesh.

-I found a really REALLY gorgeous black dress in H&M, which i promptly purchased. AND discovered i haff gone down a dress size!!i'm so chuffed!!YAYNESS. Booness to buying things though.

-i bought a melon

-i FINALLY got my hand on a copy of the brand new 'Total Film', and they had the Zachary Quinto Spock cover, Nicely done. although it turns out the covers actually a bit ripped and it got some weird red goo that looked like blood but wasn't on it. bad times. especially since pretty much every other Total Film magazine i own is almost immaculate. buggerit.

-it's now gone 5, and the sun is still bright in the sky- this is fab, because it means i can have my curtains open for longer, and look out at the birds on the trees outside my window. and people watch- people watching is brilliant. not in a weird way though. oh dear.

Connie just did the funniest thing- she stretched, and as she stretched she squealed, and sounded exactly like a Compsognathus from Jurassic Park. EXCELLENT.

right-i'm off now. me and Connie are gonna go onto campus for fun and games...or maybe just to go to the shop, i dunno. hopefully fun and games will occur as a result of shoppage :D


i lost it

this isn't going to be a long blog, simply because i haven't really stopped crying yet and i can't write and cry.

I watched 'The Notebook' tonight. those of you who have seen it will need no explanation as to why i can't stop crying. Those who haven't should, because its amazing.

I'm gonna have to go now!!!


Tuesday 10 March 2009

Amy George - an Enigma? Apparently not

One of the most common things that my friends say to me is "I can read you like a book". Ok, i'll admit, i've never been very good at hiding how i feel or what i'm thinking. I'm very much a "wears her heart on her sleeve" kinda lass, inadvertently mind, but i've never seen it as a bad thing really. i always thought it showed that i was quite trusting, that i just openly show how i'm feeling, but now i have to say sometimes it has it's drawbacks.

if i like a guy apparently it's ridiculously obvious, so i'm wary of that now- i only ever tell the people who i'm really close to. if someone asks about it i just say "nah i don't like anyone at the mo". Thankfully that's actually the truth at the minute, so lying never occurs =] Yayness. When it comes to being in a mood with someone it SUCKS. if i'm annoyed with someone i'll act indifferent to them, or so i thought, but again apparently it's blindingly obvious when i'm in a mood so it's like "argh!just let me be in a mood and get over it!!" cos everyone's like "aww what's wrong?".

But it does have some awesome sauce benefits. my friends all know exactly what i like, and what'll make me happy or sad. they know me pretty well, and i think, well i hope they like how open i am. Yayness to being an emotional pansy =]

In other news i went to my first lectures in two weeks today- NICELY DONE. i'm exhausted though, so i'm gonna do some major nappage after writing this; is it sad that i'm actually excited about my near future nap? ^^

I showed Connie and Charlotte the new Star Trek trailer, and they FINALLY admitted that whilst they wouldn't go and see it it looked like a good film, and not just another sci-fi thing. And Charlotte made me so very VERY proud- they wanted to watch the trailer for Lesbian Vampire Killers (It's shit), and then sat there and said "you know what i think? they're trying to be like Simon Pegg and that Nick Frost bloke"- i almost fell off my chair in shock!! i just went "you know their names??!! I'm so proud of you!!" smiles all round

Right- i'm gonna go nap now. my head is really REALLY hurting.


Connie is code for Vagina

I've always liked the saying "You learn something new everyday"- i've always thought it held a lot of truth. Unfortunately for Connie we went to see a student version of "The Vagina Monologues", and we learnt something that none of us are likely to forget anytime soon;

Connie is a colloquialism for Vagina.

We were pretty much gone as soon as that was said, as you can imagine.

The Vagina monologues was actually alright in the end- except there was this bit where one of the woman- well, i say woman...she can't have been older than us, which i found hugely ironic; this is supposedly a representation of all women, and they've got 19 year old uni students discussing vagina's? nicely done- anyway she started going through all the different types of orgasm, and it was funny but got a bit weird after a while when she started throwing herself about. I turned round to see what Connie and Charlotte made of it; Charlotte said that she did the 'diva' orgasm, and Connie just sat there open mouthed going "she is mental, she's mental, she is so mental", which was hilarious!!she looked terrified.

for someone who's name actually means Vagina she can be a real prude sometimes :P

I was stunned and appalled at the C**T section of the monologue- she said it like 50 times!!then spelt it out really slowly. Tsk tsk. (shakes head)

I'm listening to Glen Miller right now with Connie- she likes him too!!

We got back at about 8:30, and then it was down to some serious business- 90210. i never thought in a million years i would even watch the show, but now i'm proper addicted. Sunday nights are usually reserved for 90210 night between me, Connie and Charlotte, but we'd missed the last two episodes so we watched them both tonight. OMG. the cliffhanger at the end of episode 6 made us all scream and go completely mental!!THEN i realised that episode 7 had aired on E4 at 9pm tonight, and so looked on Channel 4 catch up- IT WAS ON THERE!!!!!!!!so ten we watched the next one :D

The episode was so good, and at the end everyone who was supposed to kiss (Ethan and Annie and Mr Matthews and the undercover drugs cop) kissed. we all just sat there going "Why can't that happen in real-life???!!!!" then Greg came over so Charlotte actually got to kiss the person she's supposed to kiss. Me and Connie were not so lucky- our guys are kinda elusive. Connie stayed until about 1:30 (i know the time on this blog will be wrong, cos i've been writing it for ages) and now i need to go to bed because i'm supposed to be up at 7:30am tomorrow. i love how last night, when i had nothing to do today, i went to bed at like 12:30, but the night where i need to go to bed early it's like quarter to 2. Nicely done.


Monday 9 March 2009

Sassed via Bloggage

I'm not taking back anything that i said last night- but i will say this

From Cruden's blog;
"Oh, and a personal note to Amy concerning one of her criticisms of Lost:
The next time you’re near a TV and there’s a brand new episode of Dr Who on, we’re going to have a lovely phone conversation, ok? :)"

Touche Sir- Touche.


Lost is still a pile of garbage though.

And i think JJ Abrams would agree with me- infact i think he'd fall to his knees and beg forgiveness from me for the crappiness of the show that has blighted his otherwise pristine record. JJ knows i'm right- He knows what's hip and happening. and i am hip and happening.

Plus i love the fact i inadvertently annoyed Alex through my blog - EXCELLENT :D

In other news i am geeking it up a treat today and wearing my TARDIS t-shirt that says "Fancy a Lift?"- I LOVE IT. i found it in the bottom of my draws, along with all the other clothes i brought but never wear...what's up with that??! everyone has them- just clothes that sit at the bottom of your draw or in the back of your wardrobe that just hang there.

Mike the duck is still missing; although Tobias and Shelley showed up yesterday he never did.
:( i still think they did him over or something. he looked such a state the last time i saw him (about 3 weeks ago) i'm jut hoping he'll appear in a flourish of mallards, and be like a duck version of Jesus. Actually, that'd be quite handy cos then he could take care of the bread situation for me- i swear to god i run out all the time

I have a new bird to take care of now- It's a really scraggly pigeon that has an awful limp. i have named him Parky the pigeon :D I don't care what people say, pigeons are lovely!!THEY ARE NOT RATS WITH WINGS. they make me laugh, they're like the old people of the bird world- they're always there and often annoy people and get in the way. They are also the marmite of birds- you either love them or hate them. most people hate them though :(

right- i'm off on a productive day of actually doing things. Yayness. I got up at 8 today!! well, i say got up, i mean i woke up at 8 and then lay in bed daydreaming until 10 =] had to be done. i had a really, really lovely dream last night...i just wish sometimes that things would work out like the good dreams you have (sigh)

Have a good day y'all


Sunday 8 March 2009

'Lost' is wubbish

I'm back in Canters now- oh huzzah! Things that have happened since i've been back;
-A headache developed and never went away
-everyone was asleep when i got home
-Alex came over
-Charlotte kicked me in the boob
-Charlotte told me my new shoes made me look 'special'
-It started raining
-I fell asleep (read; practically collapsed)
-I went to Woody's
-I came home
-I'm trying to stay awake

I need a new phone, it's official. I phoned Alex a while ago and he said i sounded like a robot- this is not the first time someone has said this. it's happened to pretty much everyone i've phoned over the last 2 weeks that i go all Robotronic, so i have concluded it's new phonio time. I'm gonna wait until Easter, that way i can use whatever mons i have left from the term, and hopefully i'll have my job back at Somerfield available to me- if not i'm gonna end up going to Lowestoft or Norwich for work. Yayness.

I hate the TV show 'Lost' now. I'll admit i only ever saw up until about half-way through series 2, and then got bored, but i have valid reasonage behind my hatred;

1)It confuses me. Too much.
2)It's gone on forever. JUST STOP NOW!!
3)It killed off the fittest character, Boon, within like the first 5 episodes. i cant' remember when exactly but he's dead. BOO.
4)The lead guys, despite what people say, are not attractive. Matthew Fox looks like a teacher at my old school. and that's nothing to swoon over. and that guy who plays Sawyer??i just feel like shouting "WASH YOUR HAIR!!OR BETTER-CUT IT!!!" there's is nothing more eurgh than a bloke with long hair. no wait, there is- a bloke with long GREASY hair. (shudders).
5)My friends love the show more than they love me, for example;
(I haven't seen Connie in almost 8 days)
Me:I miss youuuu!
Connie:I miss you too. gtg now though- lost is on :D bye xxx

What is that??!!!she abandoned me for lost!!!

There you have it- Lost destroys friendships. End Of.
I don't half talk twaddle sometimes.



Friday 6 March 2009

Going back to my roots

Here are some pictures of me and Fozz enjoying a friday night in;
This is us 'on stage' with Avenged Sevenfold- i am quite the Avenged convert now, cheers Fozz :D

Here is us enjoying some Lambrini with added 'Disco'

I know what you're thinking- Lambrini, right? Well, i AM half Essex Girl- all i'm doing is going back to my roots, exploring the origins of the George family :D

Think about it; Half Essex girl and Half-Country Bumpkin...Never had a hope in hell did i, really?


Yet another fantastic day has been haddeth.


sweet baby jesus and the orphans!!

In year 10 of high school i created a word to describe what it feels like when you see someone so ridiculously attractive that you lose all ability to make actual real conversation or use real words. That word, pioneered by myself and my best mate Gav Marj, was 'Kaflanahannel'. i still use the word sometimes, although not as often, and it was only ever applicable to human beings.
Until i saw this;


If any inanimate object ever deserved use of the word 'Kaflanahannel' it is this one. i swear to god whilst watching it i got so excited i almost stopped breathing.





I can't get enough


Thursday 5 March 2009


Guess what i did as soon as i finshed that last blog?
I checked my Twitter.

God, this is even worse than Facebook...


Betraying my blog for ridiculous twitterage

I got a Twitter not so long ago, and ever since i feel as if i have been substituting my blog with twitter. This makes me sad, because i used to put so much effort into my bloggage and now all of my blogs are a little bit poo.

so from now on i will make a conscious effort to blog more and twitter less. if nothing else, simply because i need to practice my writing, and i can't practice much in 140characters. apart from maybe short story writing. but then the story would have to be something like this;

"One day this bloke stole a car, found a gun, shot a guy and crashed the car.it turned out the guy he shot was his long-lost brother.The End"
How sad is it that i put those words into my Twitter to check if it would fit. Oh god.

So yeah- MORE BLOGGAGE. i dunno if anyone even reads these anymore...HEELLLOOOO!!Is there anyone theeeerrrreee???
meh. ah well :D

My dad said he stopped reading my blog because all i ever did was talk about how drunk i got. eep. must fix this.

I cannae stop sneezing, and this can mean one of two things-
1)I am getting a cold or
2)Hayfever is kicking in

Either way suck so i don't mind which way it turns out to be honest =]

You know all those abbreviations people use when texting or writing now? I've actually started saying "TBH" in conversations- and i hate myself for it. I had this conversation the other day;
Dad:Are you alright little one?
Me:I'm exhausted TBH, Old Man...
Dad:...TBH? what? Is that like an illness?
Me:No- 'To be honest'
Dad:'To be honest' what?what honestly, You are ill?!You're ill??
Me:No Pandy; 'TBH' means "To be Honest"
Dad: Oh...well, just say the words and don't be lazy
Me:But you don't mind me saying "Vom"
Dad:That sounds funny though, and it doesn't confuse me

Right, i'm getting distracted. I'm supposed to be writing a short story. WRITE DAMN YOU WOMAN!!!!!!


J'ai acheté une nouvelle montre

et j'adore ca.

Wanna lookee? :D

It's like the standby on Tv'.
i love it. muchly.

Muchas gracias Ebay!!!
