Monday 16 March 2009

Because i got high, because i got high, because i got la la la la la la

Today was supposed to be a particularly pro-active-take-charge-do-something-useful-and-actually-work-kinda-day... Yeah, that didn't really happen that way...and by "didn't really happen" i mean it didn't happen that way at all. not even a hint of efficiency occurred today.

But that's not to say it wasn't a good day, mind =]

I've been drawing with my key ring Sharpie's for pretty much 3 hours straight now, and i swear to god im a bit high- i kept laughing at stuff in an episode of 'Firefly' that's sposed to be sad, but i just found it all hilarious. I went into the kitchen to get a cup of tea, and when i walked back in my room it just stunk of that marker pen smell- housekeeping will assume i have some kind of substance abuse problem. As it is the copious amount of empty mugs of tea dotted about my room suggest a possible addiction to caffeine...

I watched an episode of SATC tonight where they spoke about 'Love at first sight', and whether or not it exists, and i thought about whether or not i thought there was such a thing. I'm not an overtly pessimistic person or anything, but i kinda don't. I believe in lust at first sight, and i think that it's possible to fall in love incredibly quickly, whether or not the feeling is reciprocated, but for me personally part of falling in love with someone (and i've only ever been in love with one person, so i'm hardly the expert) is knowing what you do about them- their funny quirks, and their annoying habits- i think you can only be truly in love with a person if you KNOW them- and you can't know everything by simply looking at a person, you need to get to know someone. you can feel/establish a very strong connection to a person, but for me the idea of love at sight is too loose.

Maybe it's just me. But i like to be fully informed before i fall =]

I watched 'The Matrix' today with Jimminy- IT IS FANTABULOSO. oohh my god i love it muchly. I never really got why people were so "ARGHMYGODTHEMATRIXWATCHITWATCHITWATCHITWATCHITNOOOOOOOW!!!" but now i really do- i am throwing myself upon that bandwagon and never getting off...but now im scared to watch the others cos people say they're honk- i dont want it to be like the second series of skins that ruined the first one for me. I loved the first series but the second was absolute tosh and really annoyed me.......eep

right- i'm off to continue spreading the joy*

Nite y'all


*Read: Watch another episode of either 'Firefly' or 'SATC'

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