Thursday 5 March 2009

Public Enemies was made for me.

Ok- this is the trailer for the new film 'Public Enemies';

and here are reasons as to why this film was made for me;
-It has Christian Bale in it
-It has Johnny Depp in it
-It was directed by Michael Mann (Collateral- whoopee)
-Everyone wears SUITS. and i mean real suits, old school pinstripe, fitted, ties and trilby's and what-not. and that's a GOOOOD thing. believe me.
-Christian Bale plays a detective, and there are a lot of policemen involved. I like policemen. :D
-It set in the 1930's, which means all the cars are from the 1930's. SWEET.
-It's based on a true story- i love films based on true stories =]
-It looks amazing

Nuff said.


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