Tuesday 10 March 2009

Connie is code for Vagina

I've always liked the saying "You learn something new everyday"- i've always thought it held a lot of truth. Unfortunately for Connie we went to see a student version of "The Vagina Monologues", and we learnt something that none of us are likely to forget anytime soon;

Connie is a colloquialism for Vagina.

We were pretty much gone as soon as that was said, as you can imagine.

The Vagina monologues was actually alright in the end- except there was this bit where one of the woman- well, i say woman...she can't have been older than us, which i found hugely ironic; this is supposedly a representation of all women, and they've got 19 year old uni students discussing vagina's? nicely done- anyway she started going through all the different types of orgasm, and it was funny but got a bit weird after a while when she started throwing herself about. I turned round to see what Connie and Charlotte made of it; Charlotte said that she did the 'diva' orgasm, and Connie just sat there open mouthed going "she is mental, she's mental, she is so mental", which was hilarious!!she looked terrified.

for someone who's name actually means Vagina she can be a real prude sometimes :P

I was stunned and appalled at the C**T section of the monologue- she said it like 50 times!!then spelt it out really slowly. Tsk tsk. (shakes head)

I'm listening to Glen Miller right now with Connie- she likes him too!!

We got back at about 8:30, and then it was down to some serious business- 90210. i never thought in a million years i would even watch the show, but now i'm proper addicted. Sunday nights are usually reserved for 90210 night between me, Connie and Charlotte, but we'd missed the last two episodes so we watched them both tonight. OMG. the cliffhanger at the end of episode 6 made us all scream and go completely mental!!THEN i realised that episode 7 had aired on E4 at 9pm tonight, and so looked on Channel 4 catch up- IT WAS ON THERE!!!!!!!!so ten we watched the next one :D

The episode was so good, and at the end everyone who was supposed to kiss (Ethan and Annie and Mr Matthews and the undercover drugs cop) kissed. we all just sat there going "Why can't that happen in real-life???!!!!" then Greg came over so Charlotte actually got to kiss the person she's supposed to kiss. Me and Connie were not so lucky- our guys are kinda elusive. Connie stayed until about 1:30 (i know the time on this blog will be wrong, cos i've been writing it for ages) and now i need to go to bed because i'm supposed to be up at 7:30am tomorrow. i love how last night, when i had nothing to do today, i went to bed at like 12:30, but the night where i need to go to bed early it's like quarter to 2. Nicely done.


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