Monday 2 March 2009

We're gonna need a bigger blog...

I have just had possibly the busiest weekend of my LIFE. i cannae remember the last time so much happened!!which is probably why i woke up at 12 today, after sleeping for 13 hours straight =]

Ok, here goes;

Friday 27th February;
I had a really great day today- the morning was taken up by me printing off my essay at the library, where i saw the FITTEST man walking around wearing a suit- i almost had a heart attack of joy, and decided it should be against the law for people that attractive to wear suits, so that people like me don't run the risk of death-via-joy upon seeing them. I handed the essay in, oh huzzah, and made my way back to Marley, tried to nap and failed dismally, and has a shower and stoof. In the afternoon i walked into town with Alex, and it was a really nice afternoon walking about with the lad- he's a bloody funny bloke, that's fo's shizzle. On the way home i started getting a proper bad headache, but i hadn't eaten anything all day so i figured it'd go when i ate something. It didn't- it got worse, which made no sense. Claire took one look at me and just said "you look like you're gonna vom" and my head hurt so bad i thought i would, it was HORRIBLE. i just lay in my room with all the lights off- well, almost. i needed to have one on cos otherwise i would freak. i fell into this really weird and deep sleep, but woke up about an hour later feeling a bit better. Jimmy said i was probably just too excited about tomorrow and it kinda made sense.

I was supposed to go to a house party in Bossinden, but i knew the Lypeatt were going to the venue, so i didn't really know what to do. i got to Connie's for pre-drinks, and even though me and Con had a laugh i wasn't really feeling it. Connie noticed i was being a bit quiet, and this was partially because my head was aching like billy-oh, but also because i couldn't stand the idea of being at someones house party when it got to 12 and i turned 19- i wanted to be in a club dancing. as it was, that didn't happen either but it didn't matter in the end. anyhoo, Connie realised i was not being my usual self, took me to one side, and said to me that if wanted to go the venue then that's ok, and she understood entirely. i there and then though to myself that Connie is one of the best friends i've had, because she said that i should do whatever makes me happy, and not to worry about anyone else. She is fab.

I got to the venue, and you had to pay to get in, so Alex came and gave me the money- the Lypeatt crew payed for me ^^ yayness!!when i went upstairs Hannah, Mark, Ankur, Emma and Justin were there, Emma was already pretty much gone which was hilarious, and showed all of us how women gave birth- using her hands. it was so funny. we went downstairs to the venue, by which time it was like 11 and the place was completely empty. seriously- there was literally no one on the dancefloor!! after a few drinks we decided to go to Mungo's instead, but when we got there it was so packed we couldn't get in. we then decided to go to back to the venue, but despite the fact our hands were stamped they wouldn't let us back in unless we all payed again, which none of us wanted to do. by this point it was like quarter to 12, and so we decided maybe we should go to origins- we got there with like 5 minutes to spare but it was closed!!!Mark went and bought a can of coke, and the others said we'd go outside, shake up the can, and open it at 12, which was a brilliant piece of improvisation, i have to admit. we ran outside, shook up the can and coke came splashing out- i had turned 19...

Saturday 28th February
Ahh 19. Alex asked me how it felt being 19- i replied "Cokey". well, i did have a can of coke in my hand!! Panders called me and wished me a happy birthday and i drunkenly shouted "thanksh i lovesh you boths" we stood about talking for ages, because we bumped into Sam and Ben, and general bouts of tomfoolery followed, including Alex peeing into a statue that looked like a giant stone vagina, and ordering takeout that arrived uncooked and missing about half of the order!! i got home at about 3:30 i think, completely sobered up and happy as a clam...what does that even mean???

I woke up at 8:30 through no choice of my own, but i wasn't tired at all!!i had a 45 minute long web-chat avec mon Panders and then flopped about for a bit. i texted Connie when i got bored, and she came over, and everyone else woke up- YAYNESS!! Zoe got me a bar of Cadbury's chocolate, Claire got me Empire Magazine and Jimmy got me Play-Do!!!! Connie and Charlotte wouldn't give me my present until i got back from town- BOO. i got to Alex's at about 12:30, and we went and got the others and then went to town!!They bought me a really cute birthday balloon, and we all had a proper laugh wandering around town. it was really great. I got back to the house at about 4:30, and then Connie and Charlotte gave me my present- THEY GOT ME HAIR STRAIGHTENERS!!really amazingly good ones too- i love them so much!!After the present givage i went and had a shower, and then checked my messages, because Alex had told me, rather cryptically, to check them. i found a voucher for from Old Man Cruden!!WAHEY!!!nicely done. it really made me smile, because the day before i had been complaining to my Dad about how i really wanted to buy "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" on dvd, but couldn't afford to- not a problem anymore =] =]

I started getting ready, and at 8 Alex, Emma, Hannah, Sophie, Ankur, Mark, Kyle, Ted and Justin showed up- PARTY TIME!!!everyone thought my dress looked fab- and to be honest it really really did- and they were all quite tipsy already, but i hadn't drunk anything yet!after a game of ring of fire though i was suitably gone =]

the evening itself was AMAZING. not everyone who said they would turn up turned up- but all the right people turned up =] everything's a little blurry of the night- i just remember talking to loads of people, my cake being completely devoured but me having none of it, and laughing A LOT!! me and Alex did drunk literature and drunk films- which are so funny- and i have a hell of a lot of pictures. everyone was gone by about 3 ish, and i was very, very drunk. the last thing i remember is lying in bed, smiling a lot, and then falling asleep =]

Sunday 1st March
My alarm woke me up at 9, and proper confused me!!after smacking it a few times and it finally shutting up i sat up- and a headache hit me so hard i fell right back down.Me? Hungover?Like you wouldn't believe.i scrambled through my draw desperately searching for the nurofen i knew was in there somewhere, found it and chucked a couple of tablets down my throat. i looked around y room and the various empty bottles of mickey finns, vodka, archers and mixers, and noticed that i had infact drunk half a bottle of archers, and half a bottle of the smirnoff the Lypeatt lot had bought me- that was why i was hungover and to be honest quite drunk still. i phoned Panders to check where they were, and then got changed and tried to tidy my room. it didn't go so well. i ended up curled up on my bed, and stayed that way until Panders, Fozz, Kage and Jack showed up. Panders (my mum and Dad by the way!!) set about clearing my room while i tried packing. Ma then cleaned out entire kitchen for us!!i couldn't believe it, it was so sweet of her!! yayness to mumsy =] =] we then got in the car and started the journey to first lakeside and then to Essex to see Uncle Mike.

I had a really great day and it was so fantastic to see everyone again- Kage had me in fits of laughter within minutes of talking to me, and as soon as i saw them i actually felt this huge weight off of my shoulders, and i knew right there and then i had been right about why i had been feeling so strange and low over the last few- i just needed to see them again. that was it, i just needed to go home for a while. Last night was perfect- me and dad sat with a cup of tea and watched Ice-Road Truckers and chatted for a bit, then ma came down and made me a sandwich and got me a cup of tea, and we sat and watched 'The Queen', just chatting, and mum kept taking my hand and saying "i'm just so glad you're here my darling" which made me smile so SO much- i think these last few days have been my smiliest ever. my face hurt from smiling and laughing after my trip into town with Alex, and that night after i went out with the lypeatt lot, and then whilst we were in town on my birthday and the whole of my birthday party and yesterday coming home. my face has been fixed in an almost permanent smile and i'm finally staring to feel like myself again. i think i just lost track of everything because coming back to uni and the first few weeks of uni were so confusing and so much happened. but now i feel like me again.

The time now won't come up on the blog, because it takes it from when you first started writing it. But it's now 3:35pm, and my dad is asleep on the sofa next to me, and my cat Charlie is curled up next to me on my other side. Bob is currently playing Air for me, and i can hear my other cat Millie snoring somewhere in the room. The others will be back from work/school shortly and then everyone will be home...

Happy sigh...



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