Friday 27 March 2009

The world is not fair.

I am in utter despair. UTTER DESPAIR. you don't get much more despairing than utterly despaired so i think it's safe to say maybe i am the most despairing person in the world. ok, this sentence stopped making sense about 7 words in, so i'll stop it now

I was straightening my fringe, and basking in the glory of my hair and it's wonderfully wonderful natural brilliance when i noticed something shiny in my hair. thinking it was just a piece of hair that was a bit wet still i ignored it. but after i'd done i looked in the mirror and it caught my eye again, and i noticed it was just one hair that was shiny. i went up to the mirror, looked and almost started crying;

I had found a grey hair.

It was completely white, like Storm from X-Men. i pulled it out straight away, which hurt, and noticed that it was one of the long bits of hair, which freaked me out even more because it was entirely white.I AM 19 YEARS OLD!!!THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!

i phoned my dad and wailed down the phone "DAAAAD!!!!OHMYGOD I FOUND A GREY HAIR!!!!what the hell!!??" and dad just laughed and went "oh dear" and i said "well i mean, you're supposed to find at least one grey hair at my age, right?i mean everyone has them, yeah??" and he just went "er, no i don't think so. You'll be like your mum and your sister then" and i just went "What?What do you mean?" and then dad told me mum and my older sister went grey in their very early 20's. I could've sobbed.Thanks dad.thanks a lot.

My Hair is my crowning glory!!!it's the only sodding thing i like about myself, and now it's bloody ruined!!!!it's a joke!!!!!!!this cannot be happening.i hate my life. i hate you. not really. i don't even know who 'you' is. ok, i've gone mad.

I'm going to keep count- if i don't find anymore in the next month i'll call it just a random hair. if i find anymore then i am going to die a little bit inside.

oh my god this is so stupid.


i need to calm down


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