Thursday 30 April 2009

Busy but no more interesting

Busy Busy Busy Busy

why is it that if you say a word enough sooner or later it just sounds like/means honk?

I had a really good day today, and in case you hadn't guessed it was also busy, but nothing of particular interest actually happened. aside from i got my watch sorted, and i now have this awesomely awesome green leather strap for my watch. I LOVE IT. watch watch watch. I HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE GIFT OF TIME!!

But yeah, nowt much has happened, so i've got nowt much to say. tomorrow night i'm staying at Vic and John's which i'm REALLY looking forward to, i've been having such an amazing time with Eli, i try and see him everyday just to soak up as much of him as i can before i go back, and we've invented about a bajillion new games, including the glasses game and the bumblebee game which are exhausting but brilliant fun =] he talks so much now it's unreal, and he always says really random things but at exactly the right time- he is quite the genius

On Bank holiday monday we're all going down the common to play footie, and rounders and play 'The Crossbar challenge' (the only time i've ever actually hit the cross bar since we started playing that game was the first time i ever played it- 5 years ago. it's a good record, i'm proud of it). By all i do literally mean every member of the George/Crowfoot family that reside in Suffolk- Me, Pandy, Kage, Fozz, Eli, Vic, John and then you've got Jack and Adam (who practically live at ours anyway) to take into account- it's gonna be awesome. i wanna buy one of those rounders kits you can get and then play loads on the huge field behind Parkwood- i would instigate some kind of Marley Vs Willows Vs Lyppeat playoff, if i wasn't so sure that blood would eventually be shed and apartheid's would commence. But yeah, it's a bank holiday tradition to go play some shizzle down at the common so yayness to that

Hopefully tomorrow during the day i should be helping my mum out on a school trip to Minsmere's RSPB Bird Reserve. we have membership anyway, and my mum works with the kids at Sir John Leman who have behavioural/learning difficulties so i figured i could lend a hand, what with Head Girl, Senior Prefect and Library Project notched up on my academic belt. I didn't for that sentence to sound so smug.i'm not gonna change it though- it's deservedly smug =] but yeah, if that works out then that should be good

i've been feeling a bit down today, though i think it has more to do with being tired than anything. but i'm starting to freak out a little bit about the exams, and i haven't actually done any revision yet, or half the stuff i had hoped to. but i' also bummed out about going back because
-i don't wanna leave my family. never saw that one coming, did ya(?)
-i don't wanna do exams
-i don't wanna have to move out
-i don't wanna have to un-decorate my room (it's so perfect!!can't i just...i dunno, take it with me??!!)
-i don't wanna have to say bye to everyone for three whole months!!i know i'll see everyone again, but even then when we go back we're in actual houses, that aren't close to each other!!ARGH!!

Plus i'm a bit worried about stuff. you guys know what stuff i'm chatting aboot.

right, i'm off to go marvel at my new watch

nite nite ^^


Wednesday 29 April 2009


Does anyone else remember that quote from the rugrats (awesome AWESOME show) when Tommy is being weaned from milk bottles to the tippy cup, and he has that nightmare where the cup is huge and is going "DRIINK MEEEE!! DRRRRRRIIIIINKK MEEEEEE!!!!"?

Or is that just me, Kage and Fozz?

We did bloody love that show.

Reptar FTW


The Return Of The Quote Book

After learning that I’d found the legend that is the ‘Quote Book’*, many, many people (and by that i mean like 4) asked to hear some of the classics. So here they are;

*For the people who I didn’t go to Leman with, and the people I met at University (Yeah! I met people! SHUUDUP!!) here is an explanation of the ‘Quote Book’. It started on 10/10/06, and was the original idea of both me and Beth Limmer, who had previously owned and then lost the first EVER ‘Quote Book’. The ‘Quote Book’ is a book I used to carry round with me everywhere, to log all of the silly, stupid and funny things the people around me said. If you wanna start your own one go for it- it’s really worth it. It has been hilarious to read through stuff you wrote down over 3 years ago.


Joe C: Who wrote ‘Educating Rita’?
Gavin M: Anne Frank
Amy: What’s that term for when your hands are really sweaty?
Katie B: Sweaty Bollocks
Kage (Upon hearing a girl hyperventilating): What the hell is that? It sounds like Whale love!!
Jack G: Over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder. That’s what my Dad called his bra
Catherine (after watching a recording of Steve Irwin): Did they record this before he died?
Kage: How hot is he?
Amy: HOT. So hot, if you held cheese up to his face, the cheese would melt
Jack: Amy, don’t gypsies eat children?
Spoon: No, they eat swans
Vic: There's a quote for your Quote Bag (This quote is actually on the front of the book)

The elusive true story behind the origin of my official title; ‘Disco Jesus’(It's like the new x men origins film, with less violence and no hugh Jackman. Although Kage is probably more man than him anyway)
Kage: Amy, your sandals make me look like a Disco Jesus!!

Ross: Jesus Juice! Holy Hydration! For when pontification just isn’t enough
Mum: There’ll be a lot of flooding in Holland
Dad: It won’t be any good sticking your finger in the Dyke then, will it?
Fozz: I haven’t used it in months- The last time I used it was yesterday
Vic: They cut cocaine with talcum powder
Amy: How can you cut through things with talcum powder?
Kage: I hate it when you can’t put your leg in your knickers
Amy: I know- you end up looking like a Morris dancer on speed
Fozz (on his DS): I just killed a bear!!
Car Washer: Car wash, boss?
Dad: Not too bad thanks
Vic (referring to an Indian Restaurant but inadvertently pointing at an Asian man): LOOK! AN INDIAN!!
Amy: Do you reckon there’s a final episode of ‘Come Outside’ when Pippin goes to the vet?
Amy: ‘Meet the Parents’ is on
Mum: What on 9? No, 3, no, 4, no flil flor, I mean Film Four?
Amy: BBC Three mum.
Matthew B: America gave money to Germany, Germany gave money to Britain, Britain gave money to Ger- America
Amy: Jamariqoui?
Amy (To Jack): I can see your nipples
Jodie H: I can see everyone’s nipples
Fozz: Dad, spiders don’t hiss do they?
Dad: They might if they have a cold
Joe C (about ‘Hamlet’): I reckon Dr Seeus should remake this
Amy: Why?
Joe C: ‘cos then it’d rhyme
Amy:...But it DOES rhyme
Joe C: yeah, but not in a fun, jokey way
Kage: It’s me on FIFA
Dad: What?
Kage: It’s me on FIFA
Dad: Neil who??
Amy: You know how English people learn English?
Spoon: Yeah...
Amy: In Germany do they learn Germany?
Spoon:...Do you mean German?
Amy: No, ‘cos...yeah.
Joe C: What insect makes it’s nest with chewed mud and wood?
Spoon: A Beaver.
Kage: You have indie blood running through your veins
Amy: I do not have indie blood
Kage: I beg to differ
Amy: I beg your mum
Kage: I beg your pardon?
(Fozz hands mum a block of wood)Fozz: Mum, I’m giving you this for protection; I gave one to Kage and Amy too
Mum: What against vampires?
Fozz: Yeah, or midgets
Jack (about a spider): It was absolutely quite big
(Fozz and Amy are home alone and its 11:30pm)
Amy (handing Fozz a baseball bat): Here- I reckon you’d do more damage than i would
Fozz: Yeah, but you’ve got the penknife- you finish the job

There are gazillions more- i've almost filled up an entire book.

enjoy my lovely's =]


Monday 27 April 2009

Stuffed Animals are not Law Abiding Citizens

Imagine our surprise yesterday when we all glanced out of our front window, and saw this in the driveway of our neighbour, Peter-from-across-the-road;

Let's just get a closer look, shall we?

Yep, your eyes aren't deceiving you - That is indeed a joyriding stuffed Panther and Teddy Bear.
They're like the Bonnie&Clyde of the stuffed animal world.

This is what you get if your neighbour across the road helps out the Lions Club, who do a lot for charity; God Bless you, Peter-from-across-the-road.


Sunday 26 April 2009

The enigma that is the London Marathon

I've had about 7 people tell me today they want to run the London Marathon after watching it today. I have a few problems understanding this because;
A)Why would you even be watching it? I honestly don't see the appeal of watching people run for hours on end. i mean, i spose the people dressed up would look funny, but that's only funny for about a minute. and then it's like "'s two bloke's dressed as a horse running through London. and the bloke in the back is probably enjoying it a little too much for it to really be about the charity"

B)The London Marathon is running for the sake of running. RUNNING FOR THE SAKE OF RUNNING. IT MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE WHATSOEVER TO ME!!!!

C)I don't see how watching people run makes you want to run. watching people run makes me tired

D)I'm now worried the above makes me sound lazy and snotty. and opinionated. I'm not ^^ i dunno why i lettered this one...


I'm a Good Girl

I watched 2 films tonight- that makes 2 and a 1/2 in total today. good going considering i got quite a bit done too today. spose it's my nature to just watch them as i float about. like a cinema obsessed Casper.

The first film i started to watch was 'Mean Girls'. i explained to ma how Tina Fey "does what i'm gonna do, only i'm gonna do it better and bigger" and my ma said she admired how confident i was in the idea that i would become a writer, and asked me why i was so convinced- i told her it wasn't a case of confidence but that i just know that i will, in the same way that you know the sky is blue and that the sea is pretty darn big.

That was a bit afternoon special, weren't it. Sorrrrrry

anyways, yeah watched that film up until the bit were they start sorting through stuff (oh my god, never in the history of the world has a sentence been more vague) and then i saw that 'My Best Friend's Wedding' was on on Channel 4, got gutted because i'd missed an hour of it, accidentally stumbled upon it on 4plus1 whilst manically flicking through the channels in a desperate attempt to be entertained, and settled down into a Rom-com-heart-shaped-occasionally-tear-inducing slump for the next couple of hours. I adore Julia Roberts- not only is she extremely talented, and one of my favourite actresses of all time, she is intolerably gorgeous (i want her hair so much. not in a wierd scalping way, in a "oh i wish my hair looked like that" way) and i love that film- it's so unlike every other romantic comedy, because...well, i dinnae wanna spoil it but it's not exactly a happy ending so to speak...i feel bad now...ah well, it's not like i revealed the huge twist at the end of 'Sixth Sense' that no one was expecting- you know, when it turns out that M. Night. Shyamalan career peaked with that film, and then he goes on to semi-ruin his credibility (already running low, thank you 'Lady In The Water') by making the film 'The Happening'.

After that i found 'The Good Girl' on Channel 4 and did pretty much the same thing as i did with 'MBFW'. I'd always wanted to see it, and i'm glad i watched it- it's ever so ever so good. i was really impressed by Jennifer Aniston, i wasn't expecting a performance like that, but it was brilliant. i really enjoyed it. it was clever, thought provoking, endearing in some places, funny in others and just downright depressing on some occasions. i'd definitely watch it again given the opportunity, and that to me is the mark of a good film- if after you've seen it you instantly think "i wouldn't mind seeing it again". i was talking to one of my course mates at Uni about how she never buys DVDs because she doesn't see the point of watching a film more than once (she is to me what Atheists are to devout Catholics), and i said to her that i felt a bit sorry for her, because she's missing out- everytime i see a film i see something new in it. A perfect example of this would be that the other night me and Fozz watched 'Jurassic Park'. Now, i'm not even gonna try to convey mine and my brothers and sisters love for that film- we wore out the VHS copy within a year when it first came out. I only need to tll you this to let you know how much we KNOW that film- me and Kage once reenacted the scene where Alan Grant (sam neil) scares that kid by graphically describing a velociraptor and it's hunting pattern, in our kitchen. Nuff said. Anyway, me and Fozz both noticed a tiny detail about it that we never had before (They use the same piece of audio twice during the scene where Dennis is attacked and eaten by a dilophosaurus)

i went off track again...bugger.

Anyway, yeah, er the film viewage is over and out. i'm quite tired, but in a non-sleeping way. that makes no sense

This blog has been well long and rambly, has used too many brackets (parentheses =]) and i've gone over on my superlative limit (DAMMIT JULIA ROBERTS!!)

There's a helicopter that's been circling around for about 20 minutes now- it's just gone 2:23am on Bob's watch, so i cannae help but think what it's doing up there doesnae have a happy origin.hopefully no one's like hurt or missing or anything.

Right, and now endeth the overtly long blog

nite ^^


Thursday 23 April 2009

Stupid Stupid Stupid. Stupid.

A combination of recovery from yesterday and near exhaustion today means that i look like a complete skank- my hair is unbrushed, and thrown up in a wacky kinda bun where it all sticks up at the back (not on purpose- be under no impression that i think this is a good look) and i'm wearing grey pyjama bottoms and my Kent hoodie. i am sans make-up (not a good look when you're as pasty faced as me, believe me).

Now, i had to get up at 8 this morning because a bloke from the council was coming to take a look at the house because they're re-doing our kitchen (about time- we've been here 17 years). now, i wasn't particularly happy about this- mostly because i bloody well knew, as did my parents. that this bloke wasn't likely to turn up until this afternoon. but Panders insisted i get up in case he turned up early. and guess what? they got here at 2pm!!They're still here now actually.

And yeah- bear in mind i say they, OK?cos this here's the important part. i didn't mind looking like a skank, because the bloke who i, and Panders, thought was coming is this old bloke, who's very small. no need to worry about how i look like in front of him, right? except he didn't turn up alone. Oh no. he turned up with a very VERY cute looking Scotsman.

THAT'S RIGHT!i look like somebody has dragged me a through a hedge made of tools that make you look fugly, and in comes this fittie of a scottish bloke. brilliant. but they seem nice enough, albeit a little surprised to see someone still in their pyjama trousers at 2 in the afternoon, but hey that's just how i roll.

Ooh, the old man has gone upstairs...the scottishman is in the kitchen...ooh the old man is back. i offered them a cup of tea, but the scotsman said he doesn't like tea or coffee- he lost brownie points there, but he said it all scottish so i wasn't really paying attention to what he was actually saying...he looks like a younger version of John Simm, with a rounder face.

i better go-they keep asking me questions i don't know the answer to, like "Where's you Gas Meter?" and "Do you know if you'd want the external pipes changed or have they been done". i feel like saying "I dunno man, i don't live here" but i don't trust myself to say "don't" instead of "Dinnae" infront of Mr-Scottish-Bloke

Stupid hair looking like wubbish. stupid pyjama bottoms.



Dawning Realisation

Vic:So what time do you go back to Canterbury?
Me:Not until 11th May, i've got eons as yet
Vic:(Sounding excited)the 11th of May?
Me:Yeah, why?
(Vic looks at me expectantly)
Me:(Realising) OH MY GOD!!!
(At the same time)
(Both jump around a lot)
Me:I think my face just exploded with excitement

And you know what? it truly was.


Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo on the beach

And on the third day Amy went to the beach.
And it was good.
Until she and her friends got held hostage by seagulls and then she got sunstroke because she was in the sunlight for (shock horror) over three hours.


I got a really random text from Steffan Tuesday night at like 10:30pm just saying “So I’ll come pick you up tomorrow at 9, yeah?” and I was like “wha?”. But the next day he did come and pick me up at 9, and we had an awesome rave in his car, and brought out old favourites like ‘The Streak’. It was brilliant J. We then went to the beach with Spoon, Cat, Cat’s boyfriend James, Tilly, Tilly’s boyfriend Andrew, Tilly’s boyfriend’s friend who’s name I can’t remember and Steph. I haven’t seen any of those people, apart from Tilz, for over half a year so it was like “ARRRRGGGH FRRRIIIIEEENNNDDDDSSS!!!!!!!!” especially Spoon- he was like my bestest so it was so yay to see him again. None of them have changed muchly, me and Spoon were still laughing at Pandy (Pat&Andy) and Janolin (Janet&Colin) and Cat still laughed at my crazy impressions and stupid voices

We wandered around Lowestoft for a tad, and then after a horrible and tear-inducing run in with Natwest (ihatethemihatethemihatethemihatethemihatethem) Tilly, I and Spoon sat on a step outside the Marina Theatre waiting for Cat and James to come back from Boots. Tilly and Spoon decided it would be a good idea to feed the, bloody huge, seagull that was about 3 feet away from us, and when they did it let out this huge CAAAW!!! And then another descended upon us, and the pair began holding us hostage- we decided to leg it after another 4 began circling above. I told them not to feed the damn thing!!!!

We got to the beach, and after I had applied my factor 60 sun lotion- I STILL GOT SUNBURNT- me and spoon went paddling- it was bloody freezing. Seriously, our feet went numb, and even though we could hack that we then stood on a load of stones. We must have looked liked complete tard features, running about with our jean legs pulled up and screaming like children. It was excellent! but cold.

Unfortunately though the whole day had to be cut short co I got sunstroke- and I mean BADLY. I still feel like cruddy now, but it was awful earlier. I started getting a headache at Cat’s, before we went to the beach, and it just got worse and worse. At about 2:30 I was really suffering and thought I was gonna be sick. I almost fainted on the way back to Steffan’s car, and when I got home my dad took one look at me and just said “My god’s what’s happened?!” I was this awful grey colour, and my head hurt so bad I could hardly see straight. I had a really, really cold bath and then, literally collapsed into my bed, where I was out of it for over 3 hours. I got up after a while, and sat with Kage, who made me feel a ton better. She’ doing her A levels at the minute-SHE GOT AN A IN HER PERSONAL STUDY!!!YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!- and she’s saying exactly the same things I was last year, it’s brilliant. Her results come out the day before her 18th birthday though, so she’s terrified. But I know foshizzle she’s gonna pass, there’s absolutely no doubt about it J

The Apprentice was amazing tonight, as usual. I cannae get over that show, it’s too good.

OOH- in uber exiting news Ross went to Canters Open Day today- and loved it. So if he passes (which he will because he is my genius ^^) then he’ll be coming to Canters in the Autumn. Fingers crossed!!!!cannae wait to see him again this term- I miss his ferrets

Right, I’m done with the bloggage for now J


Tuesday 21 April 2009

Animal version of Star Trek

I'm like the bunny version of Geordi La Forge from Star Trek;

I call for an animal version of Star Trek to be made. Hell, I'll make it.
Wait...what if my Star Trek Animal film is so popular it turns into a trilogy...and I decide to have a monkey as Kirk...
Ok, David Attenborough CANNOT star in it. and the monkeys CANNOT kill anyone.
Correction; Alex CANNOT be right.

Intellectual conversation

Kage:Mario is blatantly going after a woman who's going to break his heart
Kage:I mean, what would a Princess want with a Plumber?
Amy:Sounds well
Kage:HaHaHa, i was gonna say something then but i won't...
Amy:Go on, say it
Kage:Maybe she wants him to check out her pipes!
Amy:AHAHA. Ooh, i wait, i won't
Kage:Go on!
Amy:Maybe she wants him to Plumb 'er
Kage:OHH that's bad. i was gonna say that but i'm not a disgusting sleazeball like you
Amy:WHAT?!you said about checking out her pipes!
Kage:AHAHAHAHAHAH....Good Times.

Generosity killed the duck

If anyone feels like being my new bestest bestest best friend ever then they can buy me this t-shirt;

Thanking you


Sunday 19th April

On sunday i had a migraine and slept. ALL DAY LONG. seriously, i went to bed at 12 sat night, woke up 11 sunday, was up for about 2 hours, went back to bed, slept until 6 :)

and that was sunday.


Monday 20 April 2009

Plan of Action

Today's Plan of action;

-Stay in Hippo Pyjamas for as long as is physically possible
-Have a cup of tea
-Watch ER
-Watch 90210
-Have a cup of tea
-Have another cup of tea
-Tomb Raider it up



Ignore the date- it's actually Saturday 18th April :)

ARGH i've let my blog down. i havenae been blogging much and now i have A LOT to blog about but rather than do one mahusive blog i'm gonna break it down and separate all the shizzle over the last few days into separate blog.

i just re-read what i written. i need to stop talking like a muppet.

Saturday 18th April 2009

i had a fantabuloso day which was pretty much spent the entire time with Vic, John and Eli :D i had to get up at 8, which was quite possibly the hardest thing i've ever had to do...ish. Vic and John came to pick me up at 10 ish and it was off to Norwich with us!John bought me some AMAZINGLY cool sunglasses, which are red and in the shape of hearts (ilovethemilovethem) and then we basically milled about for a while, John was making me laugh pretty much all the time, and Eli was being incredibly entertaining- he's found his voice now, and so he was talking ALL THE TIME, seriously, it was so cool. when we went into the book shop he was being a little monkey, and kept picking up books and then moving them all over the shop and vic was trying so hard to be angry with him, but he just kept making the pair of us laugh. especially when he shouted "MOVE!" at this woman who wouldn't get out of the way, it was hilarious!!and he kept trying to say "book" but it just sounded like he was saying "boob", and i kept winding vic up- she insisted he was saying "book". HE WASN'T!! after a while i started feeling well tired, and couldnae work out why, and then vic told me - i couldnae believe it when she said it was 3, i was like "WTF"??!!we'd been walking about for about 4 hours, and i hadn't had a cup of tea the whole time. bad times. thankfully though Eli started getting tired, so we went home :)

When we got home i got to give Kage and Jack their (belated) 3 year anniversary present; a CD from QD (a manky and cheap shop that old people love) called 'Panpipes for Lovers Vol3'- it was HILARIOUS. seriously. you have no idea just how funny it is until you've heard it, it's not even panpipes, someone's obviously just playing the keyboard on a 'panpipe' setting!!and the songs are really confusing choices- about 5 of them are ABBA tracks, for a start , and then they had songs like 'Don't let the sun go down on me', and most confusing of all, 'Circle of Life' from the Lion King!!i said that at their wedding they have to have this version of 'Circle of Life' as their wedding song, and that i would make it happen. Kage just sat there going "No." we'll see....

That evening we went to go see some Amateur Wrestling at Lowestoft Sports Centre- it was hilarious, as it usually is. We only ever go for laugh's, but occasionally you'll see something reasonably entertaining- in this case it was the audience. There are some proper MENTAL people who go, i really mean, borderline crazies who wouldn't feel out of place hanging out with Patrick Bateman. Here's a catalogue of the ones who particularly caught our eye (i swear to god we spent more time watching the audience rather than the actual event);

-Angry Man & 'The Hottie'
Angry man is a bloke we've seen many a time before at these amateur wrestling events, who has a reputation for getting ridiculously angry at absolutely nothing, very very quickly. at the last thing we went to he shouted out "GET BACK IN THE RING YOU TOSSERS!!!" in front of a load of little kids. it was hilarious. he looks like a goat, and is usually a trustworthy source of entertainment. However tonight he was somewhat subdued, and so it was up to his friend 'the hottie' to provide entertainment. we'd never seen her before, but she was dressed, badly, as if it was the middle of summer. The place we were in was freezing- i had a t-shirt and my hoodie on and i was still shivering. but she was dressed like we were in Majorca or something. and she kept jumping up and shouting stuff and dancing really randomly!!she was hilarious. she's called 'The Hottie', because Jack and John set about trying to convince me, Kage and Vic that Fozz had said he was "Fit As". Genius

-The man who picked his nose and ate it
I think that says it all really. He kept jumping up and shouting and spilled beer all over himself at one point. Jack filmed him on his phone, and has 22 minutes of footage on him. don't really know what that says about jack to be honest.

-The bearded man in the Michael Jackson jacket
There was this bloke who had HUGE hair and a HUGE beard that kind of covered his face, and he was wearing this red leather jacket and just kept pointing at stuff. seriously!!and he was sitting by himself so he couldn't have been pointing to like back up something he'd said to someone. mental

-Yellow Roy
(You'll only understand the wonder of yellow Roy if you live in Beccles or went to Leman with me and Jack Galer, so if you don't fit into either of those categories skip over this one)
Yellow Roy looked exactly like normal Roy, except he was wearing a huge yellow jacket and glasses. but he kept jumping up and stamping his feet (which was a pretty risky thing to be ding considering the size of him). the funny thing is that as the evening went on more and more people joined him stamping their feet, and by the end of the evening he had about 6 or 7 other people standing with him stamping!!it was a wonder they didn't just fall through the steps...

The most hilarious moment of the night goes to 'Kid Quintain', who, in a useless attempt to look cool tried to jump over one of the barriers- and slipped. me, Vic, Kage, Fozz, john and jack were gone. absolutely gone. i was crying with laughter and my tummy hurt so, SO much. another genius thing was the use of smoke when the 'wrestlers' entered the hall- it was that rubbish smoke you see at parties and you couldn't see them as they came out!!!!you couldn't tell if you were supposed to cheer or not!!it was hilarious

Happy, and with our faces aching from laughter, we went home. and so ended a fantastic Saturday.

i'll do sunday later :)


Friday 17 April 2009

Tintin the enigma

Ok, so i only ever watched the cartoon of Tintin, and it was never my favourite cartoon- i would always prefer to be watching Power Rangers, TMNT or the legend that is Biker Mice From Mars. My dad on the other hand, was/is a pretty big Tintin fan, so when i told him they were making a film on Tintin he seemed pretty excited

I just saw an article on it on Empire's site, and i'm pretty sure when they decided to make it they said "ok, let's get all of Amy George's favourite people, and shove them all together to make a film about a subject she knows nothing about"

-It's being directed by Stephen Speilberg (Always a good thing. don't mention AI)
-The screenplay is being written by Steven Moffat (new head writer for Doctor Who, and creator of some of the most amazing, and let's face it much better than Russel T Davies', episodes in the show), Joe Cornish (a man so genius i shouldn't even have to explain who he is and why he's genius) and Edgar Wright ( if you don't know why his involvement is important to me then i don't even know why you're reading this blog)
-It stars Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (ditto the reasonage for Edgar Wright)
-It also stars Daniel Craig (He is possibly the silveriest of all the silver foxes out there)
-It's being produced by, among others, Peter Jackson (the man is a genius. no question)

of course, you won't see the actors. well, not really. you'll hear them cos it's all CGI-ed to the nines.

But am i excited? Yep. i just wish i knew more about it...i don't like not knowing stuff about makes me uneasy...

i did have another idea for a really cool and funny blog, but then i read that article and my face fell off in excitement, meaning i kinda forgot what i was gonna write... ah well, it'll come to me later :)


Thursday 16 April 2009

Amy - Tea= a pathetic excuse for a blog

I feel as though i should write a really big, thoughtful, smart, caring, clever, witty and inspirational blog...
But i haven't had a cup of tea for like 4 hours so i can't even function properly.


I'm posting this via my email...i'm not really sure why, mostly to test if it'll work, partly because i can. I'm a brainbox :D

Share your photos with Windows Live Photos – Free. Try it Now!

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Topical Conversation

(Kage is tidying up her side of the room, and reads the review "move over Harry Potter" from the back of her copy of 'Twilight')
Kage: Move over Harry Potter- Yeah, you’re crap
Amy: Ha Ha
Kage: At least I tried to read it before I said it was crap- I’m not like one of those people who haven’t read it and are just “ehhh it’s crap”
Amy: Yeah, that’s true
Kage: I read the first one, and I started reading the second one but then I was like “I don’t care if Ron dies”
Amy: Ron doesn’t die
Kage: Alright, well I don’t care if Hagrid is a paedophile
Amy: Hagrid- well...
Kage: Ha, exactly. Come on, he’s got a weird little cottage next to a forest. (Puts on creepy gravelly voice) “Come and see my house kiddies! I’ve got a huge beard”
(Dad walks in with Kage’s hot water bottle)
Dad: (putting on accent) “A great big bushy beard!”
Amy: Ha, excellent!
Kage: Isn’t that right dad?
Dad: What?
Kage: Hagrid is a paedophile
Dad: Er...I don’t want to get involved in this conversation

She does make me laugh sometimes


It's funny because it's true

I love Michael Bay- even if no one else does!!
This is scarily accurate though...

Monday 13 April 2009

Egg-head loves her Booky-Wook

(This isn't me bragging or anything by the way)

I finished the book- it's ever so good, i really, really like it. I cannae remember the last time i started and finished a book in a day. well, less than a day. It felt good- i don't read half as often as i used to and i'm really not sure why. i used to read for like at least 2 or 3 hours a day, just because i wanted to. i spose i just don't have any time anymore- plus i keep running out of things to read, cos even though i re-read stuff after i finish it it's not the same as when you when you get proper hooked to a storyline, so much so that you cannae put the book down once you've started.

i think i should start making time to read books again. it felt really good to look at my watch and see that 2 hours had gone by and i hadn't even realised. I started reading the book at like 11 this morning and i swear i just haven't stopped- i lost a day, but it was totally worth it :)


Resident Evil 5 is the bane of my life

I have forgotten what my living room looks like. Adam's over again, and him, Fozz and Jack have been having what can only be described as a 'Resident Evil 5' orgy for the past 3 and a bit hours, and so i have been seeking refuge in my roomeo with a new Mary Janice Davidson book called 'Dead and Loving it', and this Professor Layton DS game that i didn't care too much about yesterday, but have become progressively addicted to over the last few hours.

I tried going down stairs, but they were playing this mercenaries level thing that's this bonus level where you just take out as many, you know, (shudder) zombies as possible. they finished the game yesterday, and like a damned fool i assumed that i would no longer have to avoid going into Fozz's room or listen to music loudly for fear of hearing the stupid ominous moans form the TV. But nope, that's not the case. So yeah- i'm being held hostage by a video game. see this is why i prefer Films and Tv- if you don't wanna watch something you don't have to watch something.

Last night was pretty legit- we went to vic and john's for a old school games night which started with good ol' 'Parappa the Rapper', which was, and still is, possibly one of my favouritest games of all time, then we moved on to the original 'Doom' game, which we played in the dark and just made us all laugh, then we played 'Vampire Night', and me and Vic seriously owned that game- it was immense, we tagged teamed it like a beatch- THEN we played Micro Machines and i wooped Fozzotron several million times (well, twice but you know, same difference =]) and finally ended with a few rounds of the original 'Worms' game, which Vic trounced us all in.

Warning- the following picture may make you feel incredibly nostalgic;

How awesome is that??!

SO yeah, i've been reading the new (ish) Mary Janice Davidson book Vicski gave me last night- Years ago she lent us books from a series called 'Undead and Unwed', about a Vampire named Betsy who is actually Queen of the Vampires. it sounds utterly naff, but they're written in modern day times, very VERY cleverly and they are hilarious and so, so readable. I find them very hard to put down once i've started and usually finished them the same day i start reading them. I'm currently reading a collection of short stories, all based around the world of Betsy that includes some characters from the 'Undead...' series, and i'm halfway through already- it's ace. One thing i will say though is that the book is absolutely filthy, but in a classy kinda way. The writer, Mary Janice Davidson, is known for her talent at writing erotica and stuff, and although Undead and unwed has, to put it in a terribly British way, 'stuff' in it, it's nowhere near as hardcore as these short stories. They're still good though!!...God, i must sound like a right perv now....eep...I'm not btw! :)

In he time i've been trapped in my bedroom i've also become addicted to this Professor Layton game on the DS that Vic gave me (she's very generous is our Vic). She gave me the game and told me not to let Kage play on it because she has revision to do- i failed in my duty and Kage is even more addicted then me. it is ever so good though

right- i'm off to go have another cup of tea, read some more of my book and see if i'm allowed back downstairs yet =]


Saturday 11 April 2009

Absolute Honk

I knew it. I bloody knew it. The story was ok except it used 'wormholes' like EVERY OTHER SCI-FI SHOW EVER HAS (and tbh 'Plotholes' would seem more plausible), There was a flying bus and there was a mad scientist played by Lee Evans, who is a man that i jut cannot find funny. although actually he wasn't the worst part- i thought he did quite a good job considering he was meant to be a bit mental, he didnae go overboard at all.

Bloody Michelle Ryan.Waste of TIME.

And BLATANTLY Russel T Davies needs to come up with his own ideas. seriously, He really needs to come up with something original, soon. Look at the evidence from this Easter Special alone;
-It's a science fiction show with 'wormholes'
-It's a science fiction show with a nutty professor
-The story is 'Pitch Black' re-written for a Vin Diesel free zone
-He used a flying bus. a flying vehicle? Back to the future ring any bells?How about Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. AND it was naff- really truly naff.
-And Lady Christina De Souza? Who steals artifacts in the name of her father??What does he think no one else has ever played Tomb Raider??

It's a joke.

The whole plot was cliched- the army Sergeant who tries to overrule using viloence and guns and the speccy nerd who fights back; the devil-may-care attitude of yet another 'strong and feisty' woman against The Doctor; the old lady who turns out to be psychic; the two young lads lost in the world find their place and jobs with the Army. and finally that ridiculous escape, via flying bus, from the clumsy police officer- she got away again folks!!!

and the dialogue??!!

Christina: Doctor, we would have been great together...
Doctor:Oh Christina- we were

Are you actually kidding me?
Give me a pen, give me paper, give me a budget and give me a week- i'd put things right.
I am so ridiculously annoyed by this. i knows it's 'only a TV show', but Grr.

Ok, Rant over.


Cor i'm annoyed.

I <3 my hair

I very, VERY rarely have moments when i like how i look, and i have decided to capture on of these moments in my blog- My hair looks fantastic today. seriously, look;

And that, my friends, is completely natural. except i straightened my fringe. but that's it :D

ARGH I LOVE MY HAIR!!!! aaaaannndddd i havenae found any more greys. Thank God. It would break my heart.

See, i don't even care if people say this makes me a poser, or egotistical, because i know i'm not :D

(sigh) It's so good. If only i had somewhere to go other than the freak show of Beccles Town Center.


How had i forgetted about le mentals...

OH MY GOD i'd forgotten how many mental people and absolute wierdos there are in Beccles. There was this one woman, who i swear her entire top lip was made of hair. seriously. It was just hair. Then there was this bloke walking around just staring at people, a bloke who kept shouting "Judy!" at the women who walked past him, and another woman who was just walking along laughing at absolutely nothing.

It took alot of effort to avoid that lot, but i succeeded and managed to stay as hidden as a brightly dressed ginger ninja. alas, however, even the mightiest fall, and i fell spectacularly. As i was walking past Hungate Hall this 6'5" monstrosity of a man came towards me, with huge grey hair sticking about 7 inches above his head, straight up in a flat top Jazzy Jeff himself would be proud of, and entirely clad in a bright blue jumpsuit, open to the chest with no shirt underneath. and his eyes were so wide i thought they were gonna fall out. i stepped one way to avoid him and he stepped the other way, i stepped the other way and so did he- this happened for a little while before i stepped to the side to just let him go past, because his eyes were getting wider and moving away from my face if you catch my drift. He walked past me, and turned to look down at me (not at my face mind) and went "Sorry about that, Little Lady" and i visibly shivered in disgust before running away very, very fast.

Anyhoo, i'm off to go take a nap cos i was up proper late last night. Right now i'm listening to David Tennant and Catherine Tate try to do Jonathon Ross's Radio 2 Show, and they're absolutely brilliant, so so funny. David Tennant is just taking the mickey out of the people phoning in- I LOVE IT!!and he's all, you know, Scottish and what-not. Yayness for the Scotterishness of his accent. just when you though he couldnae get any better looking, and then they went and made him Scottish. I do like that accent. and the Irish accent. Maybe the Welsh. DEFINITELY the Australian......
Sorry, slightly distracted then. Time for a cup of tea methinks :D


PS No, i havenae forgotten about Doctor Who tonight- i'm a bit apprehensive is all, so i'm trying not to build it up to be as amazing as i really hope (and tbh think) it will be. But Michelle Ryan? Really? I mean, did anyone ever see the second episode of Bionic Woman? No. Wanna know why? Cos it was shite. Wanna know why? cos she's annoying. and it was written by idiots with no mind. But yeah- i'm not looking forward to her. But the rest of Yayness. Despite the blatant rip off of Pitch Black.

(Pleeeeeease be good =])

Clevar Kitteh



Friday 10 April 2009


I was about to start finishing/typing my short story up, because it has to be done by tomorrow morning because i have to post it by 11am tomorrow to get it in on time (STUPID EASTER!!although i don't blatantly don't mean that as anyone who knows me will know :D), and i found myself, somehow, on Facebook. don' ask me how, cos i can't tell ya, but anyway, i thought "AH! i know- i'll take out my internet connection cable and VOILA!no interwebs to distract me."

And like the braniac i am i turned my computer round to take the cable out, and that's when i remembered- i'm using wireless. Even though im on my sofa right now i forgot that there's no cable. even though my brother is sitting IN FRONT OF ME at our dining table using the only internet cable this household owns i forgot im using wireless.

And this isn't the worst of it- OH NO. The worst of it is that i have to refrain from going on the interwebs through my own willpower. Bloody hell.


Chilli Land FTW

Today has been Wonderfantabuloso, i haven't had a day a good as this since my birthday!!

Oh my god!!we're watching The Lionman, and a white tiger just had babies!!!They're so little!!!oh my god that's so cute!!I mean the birth bit was proper mank, seriously i actually gagged a little bit, but they're so cute now!!!and now he's fussing her, like she's a little kitty kat. AWWWW!!!hahaha he carried the cubs in a bucket. Bucket kitties!!!there was a gorgeous little cat at Chilli Land today. but i'm getting ahead of myself. and distracted by the itty bitty tiger-ness. :)

Anyhoo, yeah, today has been amazing :) got up at 10:15 this morning cos vic and john were coming to pick me up at 10:30. oops. Not my fault though-ma was supposed to wake me up early so i could have a bath and do my hair, but she forgotted. Crazy Cat Lady tsk tsk. My dad was going "You're gonna be late, and they're going to want to go, you won't be able to go out and it'll all be because you wouldn't get up" and i just went "you underestimate your own daughter, sir. If university has taught me anything it has taught me how to get ready for stuff in a ridiculously short period of time. You think i'm actually awake half and hour before a lecture?You fool of a took" and then i stunned him by getting changed, sorting out my bag, doing my hair, doing my make-up and eating my breakfast in about 15 minutes- NICE. As it was Vic and John and Eli showed up at quarter to 11, and then stayed for a bit cos mum made them all cheese on toast. Eli ignored me, as he has been since i came back, Me, Vic and John took the mickey out of each other and laugh a lot and then off we went

Oh no!!The Lady tiger rejected her babies :( It's because he moved them out of their pen!!!!they don't smell the same, of course she'd reject them!!Cor that annoys me. Just leave 'em be crazy lionman!!stick to lions- leave the tigers ALOOOONE!!!

anyway, sorry, distracted again. So yeah, we set off to Tesco first, which wasn't anything exciting except i was kinda stunned by it's massiveness, and then it was off to Toys R Us!!!!I'D NEVER BEEN BEFORE!!i was so excited, as was Eli, and we both fairly ran into the shop jumping a little as we went- Eli was so sweet, he kept pointing at stuff and just shouting "EEE!" at everything, which means "Eli", so he was basically saying "get me stuff". ah, if only that worked Eli. Vicki said she had something to show me that would "blow my mind", and it did rather- she took me to an aisle to show me all this Star Wars stuff, which was encroyable but then she pointed further down the aisle and there it was- on one side of me was an aisle of nothing but Transformers merchandise and ORIGINAL TOYS (i almost fell over) and on the other side was Doctor Who merchandise and Toys. I just stood there mesmerised. IT WAS BRILLIANT. Vic had yet to buy me a birthday present and so she bought me a remote controlled Davros figure!!!!ARGH!!!it's amazing, i love it. when i bought it back Kage and Jack just shook their heads at e, but i don't care- Jack bought Resident Evil 5 identity badges for him and Fozz.

Oh yeah, i forgot about that, the first night i came home i walked into my living room- and was welcomed by my brother and Jacky Boy playing Resident Evil 5. i was greeted by the sounds of Zombies with Chainsaws and shouts of "AMY!!WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T LOOK AT THE SCREEN!!". like i needed anymore persuading. i had to stand in the kitchen for about half an hour whilst they finished playing. Having had to put up with Alex rattling on about it for god knows how long i turned to my dad and said "well, at least there's some form of continuity". They are seriously obsessed. like they plan the days they're gonna play it, and where they'll be playing it- Fozz is always 'Shevalomar', and he now carries the identity card Jack bought him in his wallet, and Jack is 'Chris Redfield' i just asked Fozz what was the name of the guy Jack always plays as and he said "Chris Redfield!!God, For Shame!!!". i despair, i really do. That game haunts me.

Anyway, as i was saying, i got some doctor who goodies and we all left Toys R Us on a complete high...and then Vicki remembered we had yet to go to Chilli Land!!!We both actually jumped about and hugged each other- that's how excited we were =] On the way there Vic started playing that 'Hot Hot Hot!' and i regretted not bringing along my sombrero. We got there and it was pretty fantabuloso, there was a greenhouse with load of chilli plants, and i sat outside with Eli in the sun, the weather was fantastic today,


sorry, i'm distracted again, er, yeah, where was i?Oh yeah, outside with Eli! There was a gorgeous ginger fluffy cat that was the fussiest thing!!me and ELi had fun playing with it, although tbh i think i was more excited by the lovely cat than Eli, but it was soo cute!!! The Chilli shop was brilliant, they had shirts and sombreros and ponchos and gazillions of chillies and different sauces. I bought a chilli land mug, which has the logo on the back and 'Hot Stuff' on the front- i love it.

We came home after that and had a pretty nice time chillaxin at home. im gonna have to go now thought cos taken is getting proper hardcore!!!

byesy byes


Thursday 9 April 2009

Megatron's Mothercare

Quotes of the afternoon;

John:So, do you wanna come to Mothercare Megastore with us tomorrow?

John(Meaning to say 'Masters of Teras Kasi'):I think Joe's still got Masters of Tamagotchi

It has been a funny afternoon.
HAHAHAH Vic just hurt herself with a holepunch.

Tomorrow me, Kage,(hopefully) Vic, John and The BOY are going to Toys'R'Us (i've never been before), A huge ol' Tesco and then to CHILLI LAND. I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT CHILLI LAND!!they have ponchos, and sombrero's and chilli's everywhere. they're having suffolks first ever chilli cook off in June. I want to go.



Wednesday 8 April 2009

I wish i lived in Austin Texas

I think this would make up for all the, you know, Texas-ness of the situation.



Tuesday 7 April 2009

Fozz is obsessed with this video

It is absolutely hilarious


I can play it now. I wish it didn't make so much sense though.

home time

I slept for 12 hours last night- TWELVE!!! and that was after sleeping for about 9 yesterday!!Yayness to sleepage!!!

I'm currently sitting at my dining table in our living room, with a cup of tea, looking out of our front window and marvelling at the loveliness of the weatherage outside- although there are some mahusive clouds coming along so i don't know how much longer it'll be pretty outside, but ah well- as long as it doesn't start raining until dad's back from his extra shift of postage

My DVDs still haven't turned up, but i ordered the stuff on Friday!! GRR. hopefully they'll turn up soon, me and Kage are desperate to show Jack Air Force One =] oh Air Force One... Gary Oldman's finest hour if you ask me. "SHHHAAAT AAAUUP!!!" never has a Russian sounded more like he came from Basildon, Essex.

i have found my ruined play-dough; dammit Eli!!and i've sorted out all my notes from the past 2 terms so revision shall be occurring shortly. i'm gonna proper geek it up a treat this holiday and revise a ton- i haven't been able to get a job so it's either that or sit about going "blaaargh" all day long. i haven't got a lot of money, so any going out-age will be on a very tightly stretched budget =] apart from Hannah's birthday- that should be fab!!!!!

right, i'm off to go lounge about somewhere.


Monday 6 April 2009

"Oh hiya Teresa"

My sister just made me simultaneously fall off of my bed laughing and have a huge coughing fit because she reminded me of this woman our mum used to know, who we would see everyday on the way to school, who thought our mum's name was Teresa cos everyone called her 'Tricia (her name is Patricia), and every morning would go "oh hiya Teresa, how are you?" and we would all have to stop ourselves from laughing

Kage just asked my mum "why didn't you just tell her tha wasn't your name?" and mum said "well, it got to a point where telling her would have been crueler than laughing about it behind her back"- genius

Oh yeah, i should probably mention i'm home. most of the people who read this know why, but if you're an odd one out it's cos im ill =] nuff said really

i'm having the best time. me and Kage hung out pretty much all day today- we watched 'Twilight' this morning- needless to say i loved it- and then spent pretty much the whole day chatting about absolute tosh

i'm gonna go watch either the wire or Doctor Who now- i suspect Who might win. and then me and kage are gonna watch Twilight again- wanna know why? cos we can- that's for why, sir


Saturday 4 April 2009

It was my dad's birthday yesterday, and a massive Mungo's- i pretended it was in his name =]

highlights of the night's events;

-Going to Connie's for pre-drinks
-Asking Con whether she had a spare straw going, and being handed a penis shaped straw
-Making many lewd and crude jokes with aforementioned penis straw
-Going to the Massive, and it being PACKED
-Seeing the Lypeatt Crew and having a dance
-Going back and dancing with Zoe and Claire
-Having a 'scissors' fight with Alex
-Going to find Connie and not finding her
-Emma forgetting my name!!!!
-Reenacting 'The Dual Of The Fates' with Alex, using Yard Sticks. We called it a truce in the end, because the fight must have gone on for a least half and hour and we kept accidentally hitting people
-Going to try and find Connie again
-Not being able to find Connie
-giving up trying to find the others and sticking with Lypeatt
-The DJ playing not only 'Jizz in my Pants', but the greatest song from 'Incredibad'-'I'M ON A BOAT'!!! HE ACTUALLY PLAYED 'I'M ON A BOAT'!!! oh how i spazzed
-Dancing to sandstorm with Mark
-Walking home, and discussing, amongst other things;
-How much of a legend Sir Alan Sugar is
-Who Jonathon Ross would prefer out of me and Alex (Me, Duh)
-Who would win the most Baftas
-my planned assassination for Sir David Attenborough via a monkey film trilogy (needles to say i had nothing to do with that one)

It was a good night in the end. Although i'm still coughing, and my throat is absolutely ruined


Thursday 2 April 2009

Annoyed and worried blog

Ok, so this blog is gonna contain a lot of moanage im afraid, so SOOORRRRY. plus it consists mainly of singular points, so i'm gonna chuck some bullet points about

  • My sleeping pattern is officially HONK. I usually go to bed at like 3 or 4 and then get up at like 12 or 1, and miss half of the normal day. Jimmy turned into my dad this morning and started saying "maybe you should think about trying to sort out your sleeping pattern" and i was like "ok, suddenly northern father, what do you suggest i do?" and he said that i should get up early no matter what time i get to sleep. This thought has occurred to me before, but if i get to sleep late i literally cannot get out of bed the next morning- i have no energy!!it's impossible!!and the really annoying thing is is that for some strange reason everytime i go out, no matter what time i go to bed and what state i'm in i always wake up at about 7:30am the next morning and can't go back to sleep-HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE??!!im going to bed at like 11 tonight, and i actually do have to get up at 7:30 tomorrow, but for the last time in a LONG time so it doesnae matter =]
  • The Kent Union are currently blathering on about the Summerball, which although i keep saying "oohidunnoifimgonnagoitssomuchmoney" i'll most definitely end up going to. what i'm finding HUGELY ironic at the minute, however, is the line up- They've just announced that 'The Noisettes' are going to be playing at the summerball, which costs £45 for a ticket- an extortionate amount of money, and an amount i don't even have available to me at the minute. but here's the irony; kent union want me to pay £45 in part to see 'The Noisettes'- along with Dizzee Rascal and some other band who i dont know- but i only had to pay £28 to see 'The Noisettes' live when they supported Muse at Wembley Arena in 2006. This is what's holding me back the most- the idea that they're asking for £45 for a Uni night that runs a very high risk of turning out to be a bit rubbish (see 'the snow ball), when i only had to pay just under £30 to see Muse, my favourite band OF ALL TIME. :S we all know im gonna end up going though. that is if i can afford to
  • i finished my narrative essay last night at 3:20am =] yayness. But then about half an hour ago i went to the shop and bumped into Jonny from my course, and he's doing the same question- and he started spouting all this stuff that i hadn't even heard about, so now i know my essay's absolute honk.
  • My cough has come back- i literally forgot to use my inhaler twice and it came back. i am so annoyed.
  • The level of work i have to do is ridiculous. I honestly don't know if im gonna be able to go to the Massive Mungo's tomorrow night, it is that bad. basically, i have a week to do 2 essays and a short story, and im going out friday and tuesday, and haven't done any of the prep for the essays. i'm thinking if i finish my short story tonight maybe that'll give me some leeway, but i really want to have Romanticism done by sunday night- but i don't think that's gonna happen. i am scuppered.

there we go. moaning over. now to go to a 2 hour romanticism seminar where my seminar leader hates me and there's a girl who pulls at her top lip so hard it bleeds. yay.


morning conversations with myself

(I look down at the clock on my laptop- it reads 4:03am)
Me:Woah, four past three...i should get to sleep...i'm not really tired though
Me:Wait, what?Four past 3?!aahahahah you got the time wrong. Ok, stop talking. time for bed.
