Wednesday 29 April 2009

The Return Of The Quote Book

After learning that I’d found the legend that is the ‘Quote Book’*, many, many people (and by that i mean like 4) asked to hear some of the classics. So here they are;

*For the people who I didn’t go to Leman with, and the people I met at University (Yeah! I met people! SHUUDUP!!) here is an explanation of the ‘Quote Book’. It started on 10/10/06, and was the original idea of both me and Beth Limmer, who had previously owned and then lost the first EVER ‘Quote Book’. The ‘Quote Book’ is a book I used to carry round with me everywhere, to log all of the silly, stupid and funny things the people around me said. If you wanna start your own one go for it- it’s really worth it. It has been hilarious to read through stuff you wrote down over 3 years ago.


Joe C: Who wrote ‘Educating Rita’?
Gavin M: Anne Frank
Amy: What’s that term for when your hands are really sweaty?
Katie B: Sweaty Bollocks
Kage (Upon hearing a girl hyperventilating): What the hell is that? It sounds like Whale love!!
Jack G: Over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder. That’s what my Dad called his bra
Catherine (after watching a recording of Steve Irwin): Did they record this before he died?
Kage: How hot is he?
Amy: HOT. So hot, if you held cheese up to his face, the cheese would melt
Jack: Amy, don’t gypsies eat children?
Spoon: No, they eat swans
Vic: There's a quote for your Quote Bag (This quote is actually on the front of the book)

The elusive true story behind the origin of my official title; ‘Disco Jesus’(It's like the new x men origins film, with less violence and no hugh Jackman. Although Kage is probably more man than him anyway)
Kage: Amy, your sandals make me look like a Disco Jesus!!

Ross: Jesus Juice! Holy Hydration! For when pontification just isn’t enough
Mum: There’ll be a lot of flooding in Holland
Dad: It won’t be any good sticking your finger in the Dyke then, will it?
Fozz: I haven’t used it in months- The last time I used it was yesterday
Vic: They cut cocaine with talcum powder
Amy: How can you cut through things with talcum powder?
Kage: I hate it when you can’t put your leg in your knickers
Amy: I know- you end up looking like a Morris dancer on speed
Fozz (on his DS): I just killed a bear!!
Car Washer: Car wash, boss?
Dad: Not too bad thanks
Vic (referring to an Indian Restaurant but inadvertently pointing at an Asian man): LOOK! AN INDIAN!!
Amy: Do you reckon there’s a final episode of ‘Come Outside’ when Pippin goes to the vet?
Amy: ‘Meet the Parents’ is on
Mum: What on 9? No, 3, no, 4, no flil flor, I mean Film Four?
Amy: BBC Three mum.
Matthew B: America gave money to Germany, Germany gave money to Britain, Britain gave money to Ger- America
Amy: Jamariqoui?
Amy (To Jack): I can see your nipples
Jodie H: I can see everyone’s nipples
Fozz: Dad, spiders don’t hiss do they?
Dad: They might if they have a cold
Joe C (about ‘Hamlet’): I reckon Dr Seeus should remake this
Amy: Why?
Joe C: ‘cos then it’d rhyme
Amy:...But it DOES rhyme
Joe C: yeah, but not in a fun, jokey way
Kage: It’s me on FIFA
Dad: What?
Kage: It’s me on FIFA
Dad: Neil who??
Amy: You know how English people learn English?
Spoon: Yeah...
Amy: In Germany do they learn Germany?
Spoon:...Do you mean German?
Amy: No, ‘cos...yeah.
Joe C: What insect makes it’s nest with chewed mud and wood?
Spoon: A Beaver.
Kage: You have indie blood running through your veins
Amy: I do not have indie blood
Kage: I beg to differ
Amy: I beg your mum
Kage: I beg your pardon?
(Fozz hands mum a block of wood)Fozz: Mum, I’m giving you this for protection; I gave one to Kage and Amy too
Mum: What against vampires?
Fozz: Yeah, or midgets
Jack (about a spider): It was absolutely quite big
(Fozz and Amy are home alone and its 11:30pm)
Amy (handing Fozz a baseball bat): Here- I reckon you’d do more damage than i would
Fozz: Yeah, but you’ve got the penknife- you finish the job

There are gazillions more- i've almost filled up an entire book.

enjoy my lovely's =]


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