Monday 6 April 2009

"Oh hiya Teresa"

My sister just made me simultaneously fall off of my bed laughing and have a huge coughing fit because she reminded me of this woman our mum used to know, who we would see everyday on the way to school, who thought our mum's name was Teresa cos everyone called her 'Tricia (her name is Patricia), and every morning would go "oh hiya Teresa, how are you?" and we would all have to stop ourselves from laughing

Kage just asked my mum "why didn't you just tell her tha wasn't your name?" and mum said "well, it got to a point where telling her would have been crueler than laughing about it behind her back"- genius

Oh yeah, i should probably mention i'm home. most of the people who read this know why, but if you're an odd one out it's cos im ill =] nuff said really

i'm having the best time. me and Kage hung out pretty much all day today- we watched 'Twilight' this morning- needless to say i loved it- and then spent pretty much the whole day chatting about absolute tosh

i'm gonna go watch either the wire or Doctor Who now- i suspect Who might win. and then me and kage are gonna watch Twilight again- wanna know why? cos we can- that's for why, sir


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