Saturday 4 April 2009

It was my dad's birthday yesterday, and a massive Mungo's- i pretended it was in his name =]

highlights of the night's events;

-Going to Connie's for pre-drinks
-Asking Con whether she had a spare straw going, and being handed a penis shaped straw
-Making many lewd and crude jokes with aforementioned penis straw
-Going to the Massive, and it being PACKED
-Seeing the Lypeatt Crew and having a dance
-Going back and dancing with Zoe and Claire
-Having a 'scissors' fight with Alex
-Going to find Connie and not finding her
-Emma forgetting my name!!!!
-Reenacting 'The Dual Of The Fates' with Alex, using Yard Sticks. We called it a truce in the end, because the fight must have gone on for a least half and hour and we kept accidentally hitting people
-Going to try and find Connie again
-Not being able to find Connie
-giving up trying to find the others and sticking with Lypeatt
-The DJ playing not only 'Jizz in my Pants', but the greatest song from 'Incredibad'-'I'M ON A BOAT'!!! HE ACTUALLY PLAYED 'I'M ON A BOAT'!!! oh how i spazzed
-Dancing to sandstorm with Mark
-Walking home, and discussing, amongst other things;
-How much of a legend Sir Alan Sugar is
-Who Jonathon Ross would prefer out of me and Alex (Me, Duh)
-Who would win the most Baftas
-my planned assassination for Sir David Attenborough via a monkey film trilogy (needles to say i had nothing to do with that one)

It was a good night in the end. Although i'm still coughing, and my throat is absolutely ruined


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