Wednesday 1 April 2009

I had completely forgotten there was going to be one. FOR SHAME!!

Trailer for 'Planet of the Dead', the first Doctor who special;

Now, don't get me wrong, it looks bloody brilliant- but i can't be the only one who's noticed a striking resemblance to the film 'Pitch Black', can i?

Think about it- people travelling, they crash, end up on a planet that's just s desert and have to escape flying things with jaws. I mean, yeah there's no solar eclipse for a bajillion years, or mass murderer leading the way to safety- although some would argue that's exactly what The Doctor is, but that's a whole other theory- but basically it's very very similar.


i have to admit i was quite worried when i saw the title was 'Planet of the Dead'. It sounds very 'zombie apocalypse' and i would hate to have to not watch 'Doctor Who'. but it's not so yay!

Right, im off


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