Tuesday 14 April 2009

Topical Conversation

(Kage is tidying up her side of the room, and reads the review "move over Harry Potter" from the back of her copy of 'Twilight')
Kage: Move over Harry Potter- Yeah, you’re crap
Amy: Ha Ha
Kage: At least I tried to read it before I said it was crap- I’m not like one of those people who haven’t read it and are just “ehhh it’s crap”
Amy: Yeah, that’s true
Kage: I read the first one, and I started reading the second one but then I was like “I don’t care if Ron dies”
Amy: Ron doesn’t die
Kage: Alright, well I don’t care if Hagrid is a paedophile
Amy: Hagrid- well...
Kage: Ha, exactly. Come on, he’s got a weird little cottage next to a forest. (Puts on creepy gravelly voice) “Come and see my house kiddies! I’ve got a huge beard”
(Dad walks in with Kage’s hot water bottle)
Dad: (putting on accent) “A great big bushy beard!”
Amy: Ha, excellent!
Kage: Isn’t that right dad?
Dad: What?
Kage: Hagrid is a paedophile
Dad: Er...I don’t want to get involved in this conversation

She does make me laugh sometimes


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