Thursday 30 April 2009

Busy but no more interesting

Busy Busy Busy Busy

why is it that if you say a word enough sooner or later it just sounds like/means honk?

I had a really good day today, and in case you hadn't guessed it was also busy, but nothing of particular interest actually happened. aside from i got my watch sorted, and i now have this awesomely awesome green leather strap for my watch. I LOVE IT. watch watch watch. I HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE GIFT OF TIME!!

But yeah, nowt much has happened, so i've got nowt much to say. tomorrow night i'm staying at Vic and John's which i'm REALLY looking forward to, i've been having such an amazing time with Eli, i try and see him everyday just to soak up as much of him as i can before i go back, and we've invented about a bajillion new games, including the glasses game and the bumblebee game which are exhausting but brilliant fun =] he talks so much now it's unreal, and he always says really random things but at exactly the right time- he is quite the genius

On Bank holiday monday we're all going down the common to play footie, and rounders and play 'The Crossbar challenge' (the only time i've ever actually hit the cross bar since we started playing that game was the first time i ever played it- 5 years ago. it's a good record, i'm proud of it). By all i do literally mean every member of the George/Crowfoot family that reside in Suffolk- Me, Pandy, Kage, Fozz, Eli, Vic, John and then you've got Jack and Adam (who practically live at ours anyway) to take into account- it's gonna be awesome. i wanna buy one of those rounders kits you can get and then play loads on the huge field behind Parkwood- i would instigate some kind of Marley Vs Willows Vs Lyppeat playoff, if i wasn't so sure that blood would eventually be shed and apartheid's would commence. But yeah, it's a bank holiday tradition to go play some shizzle down at the common so yayness to that

Hopefully tomorrow during the day i should be helping my mum out on a school trip to Minsmere's RSPB Bird Reserve. we have membership anyway, and my mum works with the kids at Sir John Leman who have behavioural/learning difficulties so i figured i could lend a hand, what with Head Girl, Senior Prefect and Library Project notched up on my academic belt. I didn't for that sentence to sound so smug.i'm not gonna change it though- it's deservedly smug =] but yeah, if that works out then that should be good

i've been feeling a bit down today, though i think it has more to do with being tired than anything. but i'm starting to freak out a little bit about the exams, and i haven't actually done any revision yet, or half the stuff i had hoped to. but i' also bummed out about going back because
-i don't wanna leave my family. never saw that one coming, did ya(?)
-i don't wanna do exams
-i don't wanna have to move out
-i don't wanna have to un-decorate my room (it's so perfect!!can't i just...i dunno, take it with me??!!)
-i don't wanna have to say bye to everyone for three whole months!!i know i'll see everyone again, but even then when we go back we're in actual houses, that aren't close to each other!!ARGH!!

Plus i'm a bit worried about stuff. you guys know what stuff i'm chatting aboot.

right, i'm off to go marvel at my new watch

nite nite ^^


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