Sunday 4 January 2009

Sunday- soon to be declared the greatest day since jesus?

Today was an amazingly fantasmagical day. seriously good.

Gina came and picked me up at 11, and we went to Southwold! We ignored her SatNav on the way there though, because the voice was annoying, so we got a bit lost, but it was still legendary

We got there and walked about for ages, chatting about Uni, and boyfriends, or lack-of in my case, and people we'd met and loved/people we'd met and hated and when we were gonna visit each other. It was so great cos i was really worried things might be a bit stoical between the two of us, but it was like nothing had changed- it was exactly what i needed too, to get out of the house and just be able to talk to someone. it felt really good =]

We also had the biggest laugh ever- i'd forgotten just how stupid we both get in each other's company, and it wasn't long before we started making up songs about what we were doing- back in the fine old days of GCSE we created a band called "Let's go forwards backwards" and we wrote songs about what we were doing, mostly during our history lesson to annoy our teacher, mrs barker =]

On the way home to Gina's from Southwold we ignored the SatNav again, and got really lost, but and then we saw a sign for a place called 'Cove Bottom', and so decided to follow the trail- we found a farm and loads of animals, but no where specifically called Cove Bottom, so we wrote a song about it. we then came to the end of the road, and their was a sign pointing back where we came from saying 'cove bottom', which left us confused for a long time, and a bit freaked out, cos we had found nothing to suggest there was an actual place called 'Cove Bottom'. We reckon we must have come across the new Narnia. we followed the road and we ended up back in Southwold!! we were well and truly confused, and made an executive decision to just go home to Gina's

We got back and watched One of my all time favourite films- 'How to lose a Guy in 10 days', and then Gina came back to mine for ages where mucho chattage and drinking of tea commenced/

I can't wait to go and see her next term, it's gonna be ace.

I've really missed my mates, and i didn't realise until today how much i needed a day just to chillax and talk to someone.

next sunday Rossy boy is coming over- this is why i missed my Ross so much;
Amy says:
we should do something typically Ross/Amy
Amy says:
like play video games, or watch star wars

Rossy McRoss Ross says:
mmmmm i like those ideas
Amy says:
of course you would- we've been doing those things for the past 14 years, so it obviously works
Rossy McRoss Ross says:
haha yeah its a definite winner
Amy says:
i love our planning- we're like the A-Team, only more radical
Rossy McRoss Ross says:
haha fuck yeah
Rossy McRoss Ross says:
about 10 times more radical
Amy says:
oh i have missed you
Rossy McRoss Ross says:
ive missed you too ^^
Amy says:
sunday is going to be brilliant

Rossy McRoss Ross says:
it will be the best one ever
Amy says:
the Greatest sunday in the history of sundays...since jesus was born...maybe
Rossy McRoss Ross says:
Rossy McRoss Ross says:
was it a sunday?
Amy says:
i dunno
Rossy McRoss Ross says:
ah well im sure it was
Amy says:
hang on, i'll ask him
Rossy McRoss Ross says:
okey doke
Amy says:
he says he can't remember

Amy says:
cant blame him- i dunno what day i was born on
Rossy McRoss Ross says:
ah damnation
Rossy McRoss Ross says:
haha yeah same here
Rossy McRoss Ross says:
and he was born like 2040 years ago or something
Amy says:
yeah, so he has like an extra good excuse for not remembering- we're just on poor form

Rossy McRoss Ross says:
haha we have no excuses
Amy says:
we should join the Cirque Du so Lame
Rossy McRoss Ross says:
thats well funny

oh my god Kage just made me laugh so hard- we were having this argument over MSN-yeah, we're sad enough that we were chatting on MSN despite being across the table from one another- and were trying to insult the other in really bad ways and she wrote "Amy loves Nicholas Cage" but she accidentally wrote "Nicholas Cake". She knows that i always use that line from the film 'Next' when he says "that was your last chance- that was it" as an example of how much he sucks and so she wrote "Nicholas Cake says "That was your last piece of cake- you just ate it". i actually thought i was going to fall off my chair i was laughing so hard-it was even funnier cos mum and dad didn't even know we were talking and jumped when i suddenly burst out laughing. brilliant

i'm gonna go have a cup of tea now- and finish my cheese sandwich my ma made me- she's good like that =]

Peace Up, A-Town Down

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