Friday 23 January 2009

1, 2, 3 , 4 Let me here ya scream if you want some more like I GOT A FIRST!!!!!!!!

i got 70% in my poetry essay. 70% BABY!!!!!!that, my friend, is a first. A 1ST!!!!and i got 67% for my portfolio, which i am just SO CHUFFED about!!!

On top of that my Narrative Theory Seminar leader just happens to be awesome, he's so good, i absolutely LOVED the seminar, it was fab. We have to watch films and stuff for this term- Toy Story, The Matrix, Clueless, Cruel Intentions- nicely done. and later on we have to read an extract from Stephen King's 'On Writing' which is brilliant, cos i already know it; It pays to be a King fan-girl somedays =]

heheheheh- I'M CLEVERRRRRR.


tonight is a Mungo's MASSIVVVEEEEEE, which is ridiculously cool- i have no idea what i'm wearing yet though, but i'll figure it out =] multicoloured floaty dress with black Cardy and purple heels OR grey long top with black cardy, floaty skirt and black heels??


and tomorrow's gonna be just as rad- i'm going round greg's for some mucho playage of the new guitar hero- could it be more nicely done if it tried??



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