Friday 16 January 2009

hair cuttage has occurred

I've had my hair cut...
it's quite a bit shorter than usual, about 2-3 inches below my shoulders and i actually have a proper little fringey-type-thingy.
Charlotte saw me out the window, ran to the door and just went "OH MY GOD!!!IT LOOKS AMAZING!!"- i have missed that girl, mostly because i find everything she says tends to be true.
i tried putting it up in a band, and it looks ok, but there was hardly any hair!!!it freaked me out. although i should say that my 'short' hair is probably considered long by most people- my hair was just so bloody long initially that it seems shorter.
now to decide- go out tonight and show off my new doo?or stay in and read 'Sense and Sensibility'?
i think we all know how it's gonna turn out =]


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