Tuesday 27 January 2009

Sir Laughsalot

Oh my god what a ridiculously funny night!! we all went to Woody's, cos Charlotte was feeling a little down and didn't want to hang round the house (and by all i mean me, Charlotte and Connie) and it was brilliant. we were all just having such a good time, just chatting and laughing, and generally taking the piss out of each other!i think Connie summed it up earlier in the day when she said how she wished we could live together- but i told them they're not gonna get rid of me that easily (despite how much you might want to Charlotte!!)

Woody's is a proper good place to just go and chillax- i hope that we go there more often cos we just had such a good time, especially since all of us wanted to go out, but didn't want to make any effort- it was perfect =]

we came home at about 11 ish, and just sat in Charlotte's room watching 'High School Musical 2' ( DON'T SAY ANYTHING), and then we were all just mucking about taking photos, taking the mick and 'breaking' Charlotte's Laptop =]

ok, so i didn't break it, but Charlotte commented on something on Facebook which made me spaz and start trying to stop her typing and i hit a button that made her screen go all stupid. but, with no help from computer wizard Jimmy, an the brainstorming from Connie 'Bill Gates' Keen we got it fixed. although it was actually Charlotte who fixed it, after she slapped me every which way possible. i'm going to look like i got beaten up on the way home from Woody's, i swear, i'm aching all over. it doesn't help that i fell off a chair in the kitchen and did my knee in against the table, but ah well- more impressive bruises to go with the scar above my knee from Charlotte's 18th; classy =]

i should be getting to sleepio now. me and Jim were watching 'Transformers' but i'm too tired- i started falling asleep, which just shows how tired i am because i bloody love that film and could watch it all day. me and Jim were walking around singing the theme tune and it confused Charlotte cos she didn't know what we were talking about- then we argued who was the best Decepticon, Starscreen or Barricade; BARRICADE FTW.

my sleep pattern has been all out of wack recently, which serves me right for saying to my dad "i think i'm finally starting to sleep properly again!"- i should just not be allowed to talk. as soon as i say something it instantly changes...wait...Let's try something here;

"Matt Bellamy, David Tennant, Simon Pegg and Damien Lewis don't want to marry me"...

meh. i don't think it worked. ok ,how bout this;

"I'm not drinking banana milkshake" ...

That one worked =]

i met up with the potential housemates- they were all fab, and they messaged me later saying they really liked me and wanted me to go see the house on wednesday- Charlotte and Connie were both surprised- Connie because it had happened so quickly and Charlotte because they had liked me =] how wonderful of her. so that's two houses i'm seeing on wednesday and hopefully in the next few weeks i'll know whether or not fo shizzle i'm gonna be in a house =] HUZZAH!!

i'm gonna sleep i think now- i'm sleepyfied and meh =]

Just one last thing; my two best mates are Bill Gates and Charlotte the Blue Peter dog =]


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