Saturday 24 January 2009

messiest night yet =]

right now i'm sitting in Charlotte's room as she tries to make herself sick- nice.

I'm not hungover-AGAIN!!i swear it works- sandwich and tea!!! this is the third time i have gotten epically drunk and then not been hungover- score.

last night, it turns out, was a tad epic for everyone!!everyone had a story to tell from last night- whether it was random help from the Irish or getting with someone a tad unexpectedly, everyone surmised the night was good in a weird way- it was good but no one's really sure why =]

i have no clue what's going on tonight- we might be going to Woody's, we might be going out elsewhere, we might be staying in- Who knows?

one thing i do know is that my feet are RUINED. those shoes were a bitch, thank god i brought a spare pair otherwise Ricky would have ended up carrying me home!!seriously- they are gorgeous, but i actually questioned whether they were worth it last night after i got up this morning and stood up and shouted out in agony- i thought my feet were going to fall off. seriously. But i do love them- and they do look amazing...i think they were worth it =]

i think my plan is to clean up stuff, and then crawl back into bed. my room smells like boy though, which sucks cos it smelt like soap before. i'm either gonna read or watch a load of stuff- i've been up since 9:30am ishshs there or there abouts.. i've got to go into town later to get credit, worse luck =[

This pretty much sums up last night- Text conversation between Connie and Vicky, who ended up being sick A LOT;
Connie:Wher r u?
Vicky:I'm by the yes copse. By re. Won't cozy. Elf we. Hue .mt inn no hindr on. X



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