Tuesday 13 January 2009

A whole lot of Pfft-ness

i have found myself saying "pfft" quite a lot recently, although I've always disliked the term because it's always sounded really harsh and dismissive to me. but there you go. "pfft".

Sense and sensibility is actually starting to look up. i've been reading it for a while now, but keep getting distracted so i'm only on pg73 so sucks to be me!i daren't think of 'Mansfield Park'- it's quite a lot thicker than sense and sensibility, so eeeeep!!!

My Pineapple Express DVD turned up today, so me and Fozz watched that. it's a ridiculously funny and stupid film, so it's officially one of my faves =] i'm not usually a Seth Rogen fan- he always annoyed me in 'Knocked Up' (that films is kinda crap) and '40 Year Old Virgin' (that film is far too long, but the end makes me laugh) but James Franco kinda tones him down, so he doesn't!yay!!

i was feeling ill today so me and my old man couldn't do a load of the stuff we planned to. i feel a bit bad cos i've only got a few days left with everyone and i really want to chillax with them all, but i've got so much reading to do and i just end up getting distracted so i can't sit about with them. plus me and dad haven't really spent any time together- on monday everyone came over, and today Fozz was off, so things haven't panned out how i thought.

I have to admit i'm getting a little panicky about going back. everytime i think about it i get this fluttery feeling in my tummy and my chest goes a little tight, but i'm not sure why. i mean, i know why i go fluttery, cos i'm excited and a bit nervous!

Oh my god- britney spears' new song Circus just came on!!i LOVE this song!!!

sorry, anyway, yeah, i'm a little nervous!i really hope this term is good. it's gonna be hard i reckon, but good. i cannot believe how quickly everything's gone. that freaks me out a little too, it's like right now my sister is waiting to hear back from any uni's through UCAS- but it only feels like yesterday that i was doing that. it's crazy

i better go read now. i'm gonna go for it tonight and just read until i finished section two of the book. i'm on pg74, and section one ends on pg274. Oh dear.it's my own fault though for being a fool and leaving everything to the last minute, but that's just what i do ;]


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