Sunday 11 January 2009

RIP Star Trek Mug

i'm in a seriously shitty mood, and i dunno why. hmm.

I did break my beloved Star Trek mug earlier. and you just know that that's one of those things you'll never find again ever. it actually said "to boldly go where no one has gone before" on the bottom.

Grr, so annoyed. i loved that mug. mum said "we'll get you another one for your birthday" but they wno't- they'll forget. not in a horrible way, it's just that they will.

It's my 3rd mug to break since i got back from Uni. the worst was my "Make us a brew" mug that got broken by someone and they wont admit who (i think it was fozz). and i loved that mug.

Thank god my darth Vader one is still intact. otherwise someone would be in for a world of pain.

but yeah- bad mood for no reason.

Ross is coming over though in like 5 minutes so hopefully that'll cheer me up- he's bringing his x-box and peep show dvds. but he's also bringing his resident evil games. so maybe not...

more later. maybe. if i can be bothered. which at the minute i cannae be.


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