Monday 1 December 2008

woah, that was close...

My clumsiness almost cost me life today- on the way back from the library going home i got to the crossing by the bus stop and-

oh yeah, if you don't go to the uni you won't have a clue what I'm talking about- but there's a crossing with the little green and red men machine thing...i can't remember what they're called...anyhoo-

so yeah i was walking towards it and was gonna stop but, me being me, i tripped over a crack in the path, and i pretty much catapulted into the road- where a Mini Cooper that was easily going 40mph had to swerve and missed me by about a centimetre.

i swear i felt the wing-mirror clip my arm. Seriously. But it might have been the wind, i dunno.

it wasn't the poor old drivers fault, and she looked terrified, as did the girl on the other side of the road, who screamed.

It was a bit unsettling, i have to admit...i think i might stay in for the rest of the day now...

But I'm OK! Just a bit shook up =]

mucho lovo xxx

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