Wednesday 3 December 2008

Boredom and Zombies-the two things i hate the most...

today should not be called 'Wednesday'. Today should be called 'Boringnesday'

I don't think less could be happening right now even if it tried.

And tonight everyone's going to school disco at the venue, but I've got seminars all Thursday.but the music would be crud anyway- not like FACE. i cannae wait til next friday, it's actually gonna be fab

but yeah, so I'm on my bill tonight, and I'm a bit nervous- i had such an awful dream last night, that the campus was overrun by Zombies.
For those of you that know me well, you'll understand why I'm so freaked out about being alone tonight.But for those of you who don't know me that well i should probably explain;

I have an actual, ridiculous yet 100% realistic phobia of Zombies. even writing the word right now is making me shiver a little bit. You know how scared people are of stuff like heights, or the sea or birds or whatever?that's what I'm like, but with Zombies.

Now i do have an explanation- before Zombies came along i'd always said that the things that scared me the most were evil things that have human qualities- basically i was scared by something if i knew at one point it had been human. SO the only things i were truly scared of were vampires and werewolves. Then, in 2005, came the night of my friend Steph's sleepover- where we watched Zack Snyder's remake of 'Dawn Of The Dead'.
I simply remember that night as the night they ruined any possible chance of me ever watching 'Shaun Of The Dead' properly.
Zombies are worse because they can litereally be someone you care about, i think that's what freaks me out the most. that and the fact they're kinda dead so how the hell are you supposed to stop something that's already dead????!!!!

I'm well aware that the level of my fear of them is ridiculous, but i can't help it.

One time my mate Ross tried to cure my fear by making me play a resident evil game on his wii- i cried once, and when a zombie killed my character, very graphically, i threw up. I was actually sick. needless to say i didn't sleep for a very long time after that.

Of course this phobia doubly sucks;
a)people think i'm an idiot when i try and explain it (one guy actually told me to "grow a pair")
b)i can only dare to watch 'Shaun Of The Dead' when i'm surrounded by loads of people and even then i don't sleep properly for about 2 weeks afterwards.

So yeah...i'm a little nervous =]

i think a resurgence of either shawshank redemption, road to perdition or maybe even just doctor who series 2 is in order- hopefully it'll keep my mind away from....well, you know...

Anyhoo, let's hope something happens soon, cos i'm really really bored. seriously, anything could happen...
but not like a zombie outbreak or anything.

By the way, i know zombies are't real...

mucho lovo xxx

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