Friday 5 December 2008

I got accosted at the bus stop

Standing at the bus stop, trying to think of what i could wear tonight, and suddenly this strapping bleached-blond girl starts telling me about how she's staying at her partners, and what she was gonna do when she got there.

I came over terribly British I'm afraid, and didn't really want to hurt her feelings, so i politely asked said "oh" and "ah right" in all the right places, and asked questions when she expected them to be asked, all the time looking at my phone and begging that someone would soon text me, so i could take myself away from the, for want of a better word, 'conversation'.

Eventually i took matters into my own hands and sent Charlotte the following message;

"Oh my god there is some random person talkin to me at the bus stop, and i have no idea why!and she's tellin me like her whole life story!HELP.if i dont come home call the police xxx"

Charlotte thought it was all very funny, but the girl at the bus stop didn't even stop talking she just kept leaning over me, looking at my phone everytime i got a text!!!!!!

I tried making stupid answers to her questions to hint i wasn't paying attention. she said "dont you think it's so much better if you date a man who can drive?" to which i replied "i only date men with Tandem cycles" but i don't think she got it. she just looked at me and went "yeah, yeah" and then started talking about her partner's dog.

So i came to conclusion that i just attract weirdos- it's like they know i won't be mean to them becuase of my innate politeness, and so flock to share with me their crazy ways.

eventually however, after 25 minutes of hearing how much she missed her partners dog, i did get pissed off, and when she asked me if i wanted to sit down with her all politeness was thrown out of the window and i replied "No i do not" in a really mean way.she left me alone after that =]

i did feel a bit bad though cos she went after someone else then.


and i got the most AMAZING top from Zara. I love it.

And now i'm sitting here, glass of orange juice in one hand, a copy of James Herriot in the other, with Pendulum blaring out very loudly.

i would say tonight is gonna be fab, but everytime i say that in my blog, the night always turns out to be shoddy. so i won't.


Mucho Lovo


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