Saturday 7 February 2009

"Some men just want to watch the world burn"

Today has been fairly uneventful, but i have most definitely needed some uneventfulness in order to counteract the mass amount of events that have taken place in the last few weeks. today was the first true day that i could simply relax- the things that have been burdens on my shoulders aren't there anymore, and today when i tried to relax i actually could- i could switch off, and it felt amazing

I'm now totally absorbed in 'Breaking Dawn'- it is possibly my favourite so far of the 'Twilight' saga, and i cannot believe some of the stuff that has happened in it so far!!those who have read it/are reading it will know what i mean- i seriously was not expecting what happened to happen!i love it when a book catches you off guard. i hope one day something i write will catch someone off guard like that

Connie came over this morning at about 9, because she wanted to say bye before she went home. she's such a legend that girl, and she was on fine form the night before!!i can't remember seeing her that drunk before, EVER. it was epically funny =] i left my hairbrush in her room though, and now i have no hair brush- i look like Diana Ross circa 'Chain Reaction'. Bad times.

I just watched 'The Dark Knight'. that film has so many epic quotes in it, i can't get enough of it. it's like the pinnacle of screenplays- the story, the lines, the adaption of the comics and graphic novels. my best mate back home, Jack Galer, is THE BIGGEST Batman fan i know- if there is anything you need to know on Batman he knows it. since he was a kid he has obsessed over the comics, the novels, the figures, the films and he says basically that The Dark Knight IS Batman. I'm not into the whole comic-collection scene, and have to admit that aside from discussing the actors involved and their previous roles i know nothing, still, of Batman and all that jazz- but i do know that those films, both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, are incredible. If you combined Jack's knowledge of Batman and my knowledge of film then you would have a seriously awesome combination. and in both our eyes Christopher Nolan can do NO WRONG.

i don't know what everyone else is up to, but i'm just sitting in my room, having some much warranted alone time. it feels good, although i am missing my family at the moment, especially Kage who is now into the 'Twilight' books as much as i am, maybe even more. i can't wait for my birthday now- not only are Kage, Fozz, Jack, Mum and Dad coming to visit, but my friend Gina is staying over the weekend, and is gonna be there for my party!!!i'm so excited!!and then the week after that i'm visiting her in Essex!!YAY!!going back to my roots, ahahah. although there is no way i'm going near Basildon, sorry Dad. =]

i'm gonna go now, i may even go to sleep, cos i am absolutely exhausted. or i might put another film the moment the idea of sleeping is winning...I am so hardcore =]


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