Sunday 8 February 2009

I like to sleep

I woke up about 30 minutes ago, after sleeping for ELEVEN hours!!!!!and i'm still so tired that i could very easily go back to sleep. i'm really achey though, my back and head cane, and my throat hurts very VERY much, so i suspect illness may have something to do with my near-unconscious state. i woke up and i had about 4 texts, and 3 missed calls, and i never sleep through my phone going off, ever and i didn't even dream last night!i usually wake up at 5 and then fall back asleep again...woah hardcore sleepage.

That was an EPIC sleep...

WOW i feel like crap. i didn't get to sleep until just before 3 because my housemates were playing music REALLY loudly, which i don't mind really cos it was a saturday, but it bugged me a tad. only cos i was so tired.

i'm actually gonna go back to bed- my head feel like someone stepped on it. someone large.


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