Wednesday 25 February 2009

Library Antics/Charlotte's Escape from the Library

Who'd have thunk it? Libraries are the best places to have a laugh.

It started with me and Charlotte trying to actually get in- despite the fact that Charlotte's card has been washed, tumble dried, melted and then ironed back into a straight line with a few bumps, hers worked perfectly first time. My card on the other hand, which is perfectly fine except part of my forehead in the picture has been scratched off, wouldn't work. i stood there for almost a minute just scanning the bloody thing whilst Charlotte stood there bragging about how the machine worked for her- but she got hers in the end, as you'll soon find out

We went upstairs, walking past a bloke using the water fountain who happened to have the same phone as Charlotte, who got really annoyed at the fact he had the same phone and made a point of saying "He's got the same phone as me" in a really semi-obnoxious way to which i replied "Maybe it is yours. Maybe he stole it. THIEF" and Charlotte gave me a look to suggest shutting up would be a great idea

I went on the lookabout for some books for my Keats Essay, and sat down on the floor because all the books i wanted were on the bottom shelf and i wanted to browse through them to make sure they were ok. As i was doing this though one of the staff members came up to me very slowly, crouched down and asked "Are you alright? Need any help?" in this really patronising tone. Now, i knew i looked a state cos i had yet to shower and i was wearing my baggiest jeans and hoodie, but i swear to god this guy thought i was a mentally disabled person- the way he was looking at me and practically cooing these questions, it was so annoying. so i just turned around and went "No thanks, mate" and then shuffled off in an annoyed and embarrassed kinda way

Charlotte had had no luck in finding the books she needed, and so decided to go down to the Core Text section of the Library. we bumped into Zoe who looked fed up, and Alex who looked terrified as Charlotte accused him of stealing her books and who then pretty much ran away, which Charlotte found hilarious. I kept dropping my books, and she kept knocking them down off the shelves and putting them back in the wrong order, so i told her to stop breaking the library or we'll get thrown out- this resulted in the pair of us getting into a fit of giggles during which Charlotte snorted- i almost died from trying not to laugh

As Charlotte went to go get out her Core Text books i went into the other part of the library to get out my normal books, but the machine wouldn't accept two of them, so i decided to wait for Charlotte and then i would go get them stamped. I watched as Charlotte came through the scanner that you have to walk through to leave the Core Text Collection so they know you're not stealing books. And even though Charlotte had just checked out all of her books as she walked through the scanner THE ALARM WENT OFF.

I could hardly breathe with laughing as Charlotte's face just fell at the sound of the alarm, it was possibly the funniest things i have seen so far this term. and the best bit was she ran back in and tried to walk out again, but the alarm went off again!!!she had to go to the desk and have all of her books checked- Charlotte got put in Library Jail =]

i sorted myself out, and once Charlotte had broken out of Library Jail (AHAHAHAHAAHA) we went home, and on the way i did the perfect impression of a seagull- it was AMAZING.

Now for more workage =]


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