Thursday 19 February 2009

Amy and her "Ahh"'s

Oh my god i am still laughing!!! That was probably one of the greatest phone conversations i have ever had!! Me and Kage have always been ridiculously close- I'm only a year and a half older than her, which i think helps. she is actually my best friend in the world ever, i cannot think of anyone i miss more than her to be honest, and we both hate being apart from each other, so whenever we do talk it's always epically good. I miss her so much

It started with her telling me about her Personal Study, which is this stupid thing you have to do for History A Level where you make up your own essay question and then do all of the research in order to answer that question- it's utter honk, believe me. anyway, she was telling me about how she can't find this quote about how Balfour hated Lloyd-George so much that he defaced every single picture of Lloyd-George he owned, which we both agreed was some quite hardcore hatred really, and i said how when i had written mine i hadn't numbered the quotes properly and had to spend 3 days going through the quotes i had written down and then finding them in the books to which Kage said "If that had been me i probably would've thrown up"- this is what i love about Kage, she always says stuff you would never expect, and i love it. i laughed so hard

We then started talking about an episode of Cash In The Attic she had seen this morning where the people on it were Naturalists trying to start up a naturalist camp in Spain. i couldn't stop laughing at the idea of 'Bare Arse' being shown on 'The Attic', and laughed really loud- this is when Kage told me that our new phone at home does this thing where if you are too loud it beeps at you and that the phone had beeped when i had been laughing- nicely done =]

Katie then told me something that i thought i would die from laughing at- Lorne Spicer, of 'Cash In The Attic' fame has gone bankrupt. i couldn't stop myself, tears started rolling down my cheeks as both me and Kage cackled down the phone at the idea of how ironic it was that the woman with no money was helping others get money, and that she'd probably stolen some of the stuff in their house and their money.FUNNY AS.

We started talking about me coming home and i kept doing this thing i do where if i'm really excited about something and can't think of the right word to express myself i go "AHH-" and then say the word, but i couldn't stop doing it cos i just got so excited- I said to Kage "i kept doing this last night on the phone to Dad" and Kage just started laughing and said "Yeah, but could you imagine if you were talking to anyone else???I mean me and Dad know that you do that all the time, and we know what you mean, we know it means you're excited cos you go "AHH-it was epic", but to anyone else you'd just be making random noise!!" and then i went "Ahh Kage- i can't wait to go home" and we both realised what i'd done and started laughing. Kage then said it's even funnier cos i always tut before i do it and i just went "ahh-" and then burst out laughing which made Kage laugh cos she said i had laughed so hard the phone had beeped so i went "Ahh" and then it had gone BEEP!! really loud!!!we were gone.

i swear i have never noticed before but the more i think about the more i realise i do it all the time!!i'm just not very coherent =] but it's true. i just wonder if anyone else here has noticed it...Oh Kage...she does make me laugh

But yeah- i'm going home for a week after my birthday. the olds and others are coming up on the Sunday after my birthday (on the Sat) and then i'm-a-goinga-homeio. YAYNESS!!i cannae wait

right- gotta go do some reading for my Romanticism seminar this afternoon- fun times.
Ahh Romanticism. What a load of old Honk.


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