Monday 2 February 2009

Several shades of mental

Another day of snow!!nicely done. i woke up at 9 because that's when i set my alarm for, like a fool. after i switched it off i then slept until 11, and then just lay in bed dozing until 12- how it should be done =]

after realising i could live without food for another day i decided to forgo food shopping, but the same couldn't be said for laundry- i had no clean clothes whatsoever , well not suitable ones anyway, and so made an executive decision to do my laundry in the snow-despite the horrific image i had in my head of me slipping over and all of my clothes, including underwear being strewn across the road. and the thing is, with me that could actually happen.

thankfully it didn't-although i had to cross through the turf warfare that was occurring between the courts opposite and adjacent to Marley, which was terrifying- they were either side of the road and i had to walk through it!!one bloke shouted "Hit the girl with the bags!!" and i completely freaked, as they all started picking up snow, but as the first ball skimmed over my head i heard the most incredible thing- a kind American boy who shouted "NO!!we can't!!she's an innocent bystander, let her be, don't be so mean!!" and they let me through. they did, however, ambush me somewhat on the way back when my bags were empty. nice. stupid Americans;they say they'll protect you, but then they lose interest.

i got back home, and noticed that in the night Robert, the little snowman i had made last night, had melted a little, and slid off of my window sill onto the floor below. i scooped him up and held him in my glove, when suddenly my neighbour started chatting to me. i stood there for about 10 minutes chatting, completely forgetting i was holding onto Robert, when he said "What have you got there then?" and i said "oh, this is Robert, the little snowman i made last night" and held out my palm to show him. what i didn't realise, however, was that Robert had melted completely whilst we were talking, and that infact all i was holding onto were two blue drawing pins, two whole matches, and a load of broken ones. by the look on his face, i can assure you that i looked several shades of mental.

after laundry i went and had a HUGE snowball fight out front with Connie, Charlotte, Richard, Chris, Vicky, Emma and Sam. It was BRILLIANT. i cannot remember having that much fun!!it didn't even matter if you got hit!!Richard did trick me though- he said he wanted to give me a hug, so i let him and then he held onto me, dragged me infront of everyone, who then pelted me with snowball after snowball then pushed me into the snow and covered me in snow- it was HORRIBLE!!!i was so cold!!but so, so funny. Girl Alex and James came in at this point and witnessed the brutal attack- the pair of them seemed in fine form so i figured they had escaped any of the, increasing large, wars that were going on around them- i, on the other hand must've had looked a complete state, as i had been fighting for about an hour and a half before they saw me- Vicky took a hilarious picture of me on the floor after yet another attack, and we both couldn't stop shouting "SOLDIER DOWN!!!tell my family i loved them!!" it was EPIC.

i then had the, ingenious i might say, idea to go on the field behind willows court- it was AMAZING. quite a few people had had the same idea, but about 75% of the field was covered in completely untouched snow- it was incredible. we all agreed it was one of if not the best day we'd all had since we'd come to university. NICELY DONE.

we came back, warmed up and went about the rest of the day as usual- i sat about writing and reading, using the interwebs and generally milling about. then me, Charlotte,Richard, Emma, and Connie watched 'Sweeney Todd', which i have to admit was a bit disappointing- the twist at the end was fab, except i guessed it and accidentally blurted it out, which i felt SO bad about, cos me and Connie and Emma hadn't seen it. Charlotte got annoyed because i sat down where she wanted to and then claimed i had "Stolen her seat"- she soon cheered up though when her and Richard started singing along to the film, which was as wonderful as it sounds. it was just far too long, and the little storyline about the younger boy and girl was useless and nothing ever actually happened, so that annoyed me. it was 'Meh'. i wouldn't watch it anytime again soon.

and now on to the most exciting news- i am on the last 2 EVER episodes of 'Sex and the City'- and i'm watching them tonight. 9 o'clock lecture be damned!!so wish me luck- i'll cry,i'll laugh and i'll miss it. a of tomorrow i would have seen EVERY episode- and tomorrow night me Connie and Richard are watching the film =] =] even though i watched the film before i watched the series...which doesn't make much sense, but nor do i, so who cares??

WOW. long blog.

ok, nite =]


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