Monday 9 February 2009

Ribena Sparkle is a SHAM

I am so annoyed.

whenever i go to the essentials shop in Parkwood i almost always, no matter what else i buy, get a can of sparkling Ribena, because not only does it have that amazing blackcurranty ribena taste, but it's FIZZILICIOUS.

So imagine how gutted i was yesterday when i started drinking my can of FIZZY Ribena, only to discover it wasn't fizzy. i read the can, thinking maybe i'd just gotten it wrong but NO- it was supposed to be sparkling, BUT IT WASN'T. even though i felt terribly let down, i let it pass.

But guess what??
It's happened again today.

My Ribena sparkle has no bloody sparkle. it should be called 'Ribena Sparkle- now with no sparkle, so as to destroy the magical whimsy of young people everywhere'. I know that that probably wouldn't fit on the can, but it's the truth, goddammit!!

pfft. SO annoyed.


1 comment:

MrBungle26 said...

I've just remembered my blogspot password, so shall leave a comment...
