Tuesday 24 February 2009

Centurion; The most evil game ever invented? I'd say yes.

Wooooaaahhhh hungover. As far as hangovers go, this one is a doozy that's fo' shizzle. although it's not the worst i've ever had, thank god.

I went round Lypeatt to play Centurion for the first time ever- i was a bit nervous because everyone i know said i would be sick and get utterly gazeboed. they weren't wrong either. It was a ridiculously funny night- everyone was all hyped up at Ted and Cruden being back, and just started being silly. the plan was to take a picture every 5 shots, but this didn't last very long and ended up with pictures just being taken all the time. i dread to think what they look like. eepatron to the max extreme.

the others went to the lighthouse, as did i but they wouldn't let me in because they said i was too drunk- they made the right choice, and i owe them big time otherwise i would've vommed in the middle of the lighthouse- bad times. i fell over on the way home and my elbow is really mucked up- i can't even lean on it, or move my arm very well. my knee is all scraped up as well, but it doesn't hurt too bad. not as bad as my elbow. all the way home i kept worrying that i'd lost my phone whilst walking about because it wasn't in my purse- it was in my pocket the whole time, and it wasn't until i pulled it out of my pocket to PHONE someone and tell them i'd lost my PHONE that it struck me just how drunk i was. i vaguely remember getting in, and the first thing i did was put my bin next to my bed i know that much- it was probably the best decision i made that night, the worst one being to play Centurion in the first place. i dont think i even got my pyjamas on, i just got my jeans off, fell on my bed, threw up a lot (mmm how classy) and then passed out still wearing my hoodie. And this was all by 10:30pm - NICELY DONE.

i woke up this morning at about 9 thinking i was fine- but then i tired to get out of bed and my whole body was completely dead weight, i couldn't move, and thought i was going to be sick again. i phoned my dad and told him what had happened, and then fell asleep where i had a really REALLY disorientating dream where i was sitting in my living room back home ,hungover and laughing with the others about the state i was in- it was so real, and then i got woken up by my dad phoning to check on me, which confused me even more! i've been having loads of dreams recently where i'm at home, or i keep waking up in the night thinking im in my bed at my house in Beccles, and i don't know why. i can't wait to go home though, it's gonna be great

i don't feel half as bad as i did this morning- im kinda woozy, and my body still feels all heavy and sluggish. there was loads and loads of random items from around the house in my room, which i'd obviously moved there last night but can't remember doing so- my glasses were also in the kitchen, and i have no clue how they got there. im gonna go get another cup of tea and then maybe do some work, if i can. i might write up some more of my story...hmmmmm


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