Wednesday 25 February 2009

Entirely in the second person

Ok, here's how this thing is gonna go down;

('This thing' being today, and today being the day you get A LOT of work done)

-Take gratuitous nap in between bouts of Laundry. You're not used to be up before 11, so you need to give yourself time to adapt to this new time of the day- it's not like on lecture days because you go straight to your lecture then come home and nap. It's a new day. don't be scared if going to the shop reminded you of 28 days later- it was kinda weird that no one but the shop people were around, and that none of the machines were being used in the laundry room, but take note of this- it means you're not the only one alien to the idea of an alarm clock actually being used

-Take a shower. If you don't then you're a skank and no one will talk to you, not even Connie

-Go to the library and find the books you pre-selected last night in a random moment of forward thinking and efficiency. No, i don't know where that came from either, but let's not worry too much about it, it'll just confuse you and undo the work you did.

-Set up camp within the quiet bit of the library. This way you won't be distracted by Facebook, your blog or, your new weapon of mass distraction, Twitter. Isn't it strange how the amount you blog goes up by about 75% whenever you have an essay...weird that, isn't it? Take a sandwich with you or something to eat- if all goes to plan then you'll be there for a while...

-Write A LOT. i want at least 600 words done today, all reading included. that way you can start writing again tomorrow, and not have to pull a ridiculous all-nighter; you've had far too many recently, necessary or not, and it's not good

Right, Ready?



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