Wednesday 19 November 2008

so...I'm ill...great!

yeah, pretty much I've got a shite cold.
I've gotta get better though-it's party time again this weekend...

why do i put myself through it???
oh yeah- because I'm hardcore =]

Me and Richard invented a game based on the new Britney Spear's song 'If You Seek Amy';
Basically i hide, and then you have to play the song, and (in the dark) everyone tries to find me =]
if you don't find me before the song is up you have to do a shot =]
Cannot wait to play it

oh my god a man on a giant lawnmower almost drove into my window then- i actually thought i was going to die. death by crazy man on lawn mower.

I'm running out of money.
i went to the bank yesterday, which resulted in a serious case of "oh my god i have no money I'm going to die".
God knows how i did not just stand there and cry my face off-
i 'spose it's cos I'm special.
also probably because i was standing with someone and it would've caused them mucho embarrassmento.

Ive got to stop putting 'o' at the end of everything...

so yeah, i feel like crap, i have no money, i have too much work, my room is a mess, my DVD still hasn't turned up and i look a right state.
Swings and roundabouts, i 'spose =]

mucho lovo xxx

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