Wednesday 12 November 2008

it's unnecessary for you to know this, and it's gross but...

i know you don't necessarily want to know this or need to, but had to write it on here;
i just peed for, like, the longest time ever.
seriously, for like half a minute.
so weird.
i have drunk a lot of tea though.

in other news;

  • the 2000 word essay i was freaking out about that was due in on Friday is actually due in tomorrow so I've been doing that all day today. and shall be for the rest of the evening i should imagine, which is gonna be fun =]

  • I went to bed at like 10:30pm last night- it was lovely =]

  • my hair's gone SUPER curly cos i let it dry naturally- i mean SUPER CURLY.

  • i came over all generic today and listened to Radio One pretty much all day. My favourites were Edith bowman, but i like her anyway, and Scott mills. i like his song about love handles, it's funny as.


OK, so maybe I'm avoiding doing more essay work
only because what I've done so far is utter shite.
and what I'm gonna type later is going to be utter shite.
utter shite all through the nite.
and Ive got seminars all day tomorrow.
and a game of PokeJan tomorrow at 9am (montefiore's seminar) which is worst luck ever.
but me and Rosie are going out tomorrow night so that should be good...
i better get back to writing.

crappy essay.

who cares about soviet Russia and communism, and film??it's like the least hardcore subject- Soviet Russia and it's FILM INDUSTRY.

i mean, who actually cares???
(note to self-you're the one taking the course)
shutup brain-i don't like you.
(well i don't like you either)
well then, bugger off
no please don't go the essays due in tomorrow
(like I'd actually go away, silly)
aww, thank you!


i think i need a cup of tea.
and some sleep.

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