Tuesday 26 May 2009

Subdued behaviour FTW

Today has been a topsy-turvy-upside-downey day, which as a result has left me ever so tired. I won't go into detail- a) because it's complicated, ridiculous and you need to know all the people involved to understand it and b) because one of the things i have learnt today is to keep my mouth very tightly closed. and that maybe sometimes others might do a bit better to keep schtum too, but that's their prerogative really so i cannae say anything

All in all i'm very sleepyfull. i'm going to read eclipse for a while, write for a bit cos i've been thinking of stuff to write all day and then go to sleep. i'm going to aerobics with Emma and Connie and i think maybe Zoe tomorrow, and i'm really looking forward to it- i know i'm probably gonna go purple with exertion, but as long as i don't bump into anyone i know, or Matt Bellamy, on the way home i should be fine ^^ and then it's back to good old fashioned revision.

It's been two days since i last had a webcam chat with my family and i'm getting a bit stressy, but hopefully i'll find the time tomorrow. i'm missing home so much right now (i think that's my most commonly used sentence at the minute) and it really does help just to have them there infront of me to chat to. Sigh...i miss my crazies. and my milski and Charlski. But i'll be home soon enough. and in the mean time i have my crazies here to take care of me ^^

This has been a rather subdued blog. sorry if anyone was expecting an explosion of a blog- they announced today that the people who own the rights to Buffy are fo' shizzle re franchising it and making another film, but without the creator, Joss Whedon. So give me a few days and i'm sure there'll be a rant-tastic bloggle about that


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