Tuesday 19 May 2009

Rory the spindly legged spider and Amy Vs THE WORLD

I've just noticed there's a spider in the corner of my room, above my shelf. I'd usually freak out but it's one of those spindly legged ones that kills the massive hairy bastards that do freak me out. Only in the world of insectery type things would a spindly legged creature have the upper hand over a massive hairy bastard. geek spider FTW. I think i'll call it...Rory. Rory the spindly legged spider. Maybe he'll keep me all Zen whilst everyone else is all "ARGHEXAMSARGHREVISEWORKWORK". He'll be like a little stress relieving advice guru. In no way is he replacing Sanchez. Sanchez was a rock in an otherwise rockless world. Or he was a spider in my room, but you know...same difference

I'm feeling ever so teary and homesick at the minute which must mean it's that time of year again- EXAMINATIONS. Why do they make it sounds so daunting and evil?Even saying "I've got an exam" is just a terrifying ordeal. Why don't they switch it over with a nice word, like...i dunno, Rose? You could say "I've got a Rose" and everyone would be like "Aww!!". Then again, swanning into a room, going up to the woman you love and saying "Here Darling- i bought you these exams to show you how much you mean to me" probably wouldn't work out to well. "Ooh, look at those lovely exams, they're blossoming early". "I've been given my Roses back- i failed them all". "The Doctor and Exam Tyler"


Ain't gonna happen is it?

Anyhoo, yeah i'm freaking out. I'm just hoping that my coursework results are good enough to-

OH MY GOD OH MY GOD i just remembered i have library books due in tonight for 11:59, Core Text ones too, so they'd cost a fortune, and i just renewed them, with like 10 minutes to spare!!Oh god i almost had a fit!!i just ran around my room looking for my Kent card shouting "SHIT!SHIT!SHIT!" people next door must think i've gone psycho. well, i say gone...

Thank GOD for remembering at the last minute. you know me- proper hardcore rebel and adrenaline junkie, how else was i supposed to get my fix?

Anyway, what was i saying? oh yeah, coursework. Critical practice should be ok. Romanticism...We won't go there. i'm hoping it's gonna be ok. and Cinema...i wanna do well, but it's only my wild module. i mean, i wanna pass and whatever but it won't count next year. not that any of the marks count for this year. good idea, massive waste of time though. except you get to meet and everyone and be all "Hey Y'all" at freshers week. and THEN you get to meet the same people you met on fresher's week about 2 months later, with no recollection of them at all, but you still get on really well. Nice.

I think anyone with half a brain will realise this has become rambling of the highest order. What can i say? you precious readers (although i suspect the 's' of readers is null and void) deserve only the best and hell, it's my duty


Meh, screw duty- i'm off for a cup of tea


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