Saturday 23 May 2009

Epic 3D Flail

Well, that was a HUGE waste of time. i wish i'd stayed in, like i wanted to to be honest- i am fo' shizzle gonna go all Lorraine and 'Follow my instinct' from now on; i hate how she only goes on about her instinct since Margaret mentioned it. everytime she says it i feel like shouting "Shut up!!You probably didn't even know what instinct meant before Margaret said anything!!". well, i say feel often happens... By the way, if you don't watch The Apprentice you won't get that. and also, if you don't watch the apprentice, then WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING??!!WATCH IT, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!

Anyway, yeah. The Venue was absolute honk. seriously, seriously, SERIOUSLY rubbish. i think it's the worst night i've ever had at the Venue. it was just...too bad to convey over a blog. it was a really serious case of you needed to be there. The only people who seemed to be having a good time were Hannah and Alex, and that's only because they were both ABSOLUTELY WASTED. Seriously, those two were just...very very drunk. i kinda let ,myself down and had something to drink- not much though. and the thing that really gets me is i drank in order to have a good time- and it didn't help. i just had about £8 less in my purse, and all i could taste was snakebite- the 3D was still shit (3D??it was pathetic. i was actually ashamed), the music was still shit and the night was still shit. I spent most of it looking for everyone cos people kept bloody moving, which was REALLY annoying. you'd go to the loo and they'd be like "yep, we'll be here", then about 5 minutes later you'd come back and they'd be gone!and you'd find them on like the other side of the venue. i gave up after a while- i told Hannah i was bored, and she said "let's go get a drink" and i just thought "I don't wanna spend another £2 on a drink i know i'm not gonna enjoy, in a place i really don't wanna be" so i just said i was going home. Emma and Connor came with me, and that was that. then, at like 01:15 i got a knock on my window and it was Hannah and Kevin come to check up on me- those guys had left about half and hour after we had, because apparently it was still rubbish. Hannah was very very drunk, and Kevin impressed me by actually knowing what 'Firefly' was when i told him what i was watching. he then pointed at my Dalek and Doctor figures and said "Nice". i like Kevin.

so yeah, rubbish night. And i'm not gonna drink again. i know you can enjoy a drink without getting drunk, like just enjoy the taste and stuff, but to be honest it made me feel kinda ill, drinking alcohol again. i didn't like it.

I'm really REALLY missing home at the minute, and all i keep thinking is "in just over three Weeks you'll be home". i cannot wait. I'm gonna miss everyone here terribly, no mistaking that. But i just miss being at home. i miss my sister, i miss my brother, i miss my Panders, i miss my nephew, i miss my cats. everything. even my creaky old bed where the springs make my back hurt. i would be in that bed in an instant if i could. i can't wait for Summer- hanging out with old friends, family, and then catching up with the people here who mean SO much to me. That's one thing to count, really. that i found people so willing to make me feel better here in Canters- i don't regret coming to university for a second. to be perfectly honest, considering the times i've had here and the incredible people i've met i'd say it was one of the greatest decisions i've ever made. i cannot wait for summer, but i also think next year is going to be incredible.

and there endeth the sleepy gushing. Probably get more tomorrow ^^

sleep tight everyone


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