Friday 8 May 2009

Auntie A-Mee had a good day ^^

I love facebooking stalking. One of the girls who used to bully me in Middle school now looks like a complete skank and is going out with a 36 year old bloke. I feel bad that this makes me feel good. I'll concentrate on the goodness of that musing though =]

Today was brilliant- went Norwich with Vicski and Eli, and had such a laugh with them. I bought a so-gorgeous-it-comes-close-to-making-me-look-sexy dress. ok, i'll admit it- i look smokin' hot. cannae wait to "shake my tail feather" as Kage suggested i do. i also bought another dress, equally as gorgeous, that results in an equal level of sexiness, but it's more casuaaal. and i got some neon orange shoes- i love them. and Primark. =] Yayness. I didn't let myself go in HMV, because i'm trying to SAVE money. This funny conversation took place in Subway;

Vic: Wanna go to HMV after this?
Me: No.
Vic: Cool, wanna go to the one down the road or in Chapelfi- wait, did you just say no?
Me: Yup.
(Vic pauses)
Vic: I said HMV Amy, not H&M
Me:I know
Vic: But you always want to go to HMV. You call it Mecca
Me: Please don't make this any harder than it already is- I'm trying to save money, alright, so just ssh
Vic: Ok, fine, no HMV.
Me: Thanks.
(awkward pause)
Vic: Has there ever actually been a time when you've gone to Norwich and not gone into HMV?
(I look at her in a "shutup" way)
Vic: Ok, shutting up.

It took A LOT to refrain. A LOT.

Eli was amazing today- he wouldn't let Vic push his pushchair when he was in it, he only wanted me to, and when he got out he wanted to hold my hand, and we were jumping in puddles together, and when he got tired he didn't want to go back in his buggy, he wanted me to pick him up- it was so cute!!And- he said my name.


I couldn't believe it!!!i bought him something and Vic said "Say thanks to Auntie Amy" and he went;

"Fank oou A-Mee"

:) =] ^^ :D :] =) =D

mine is the first name he's said properly of all the Aunties and Uncles- i'm not one for competitiveness, but...COME ON!!!!!

ooh i don't half love that boy

right- i'm off nao



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