Thursday 21 May 2009

Strangest Dream EVER

Ok, so when i finally did fall asleep last night i had the weirdest half-dream ever. i say half dream cos it just popped up from nowhere, half-way through what seemed like the wilderness of my imagination. so here goes- if you know dreams stuff by all means tell me if it means that i'm mental or dying or whatever. i dunno what dreams are meant to signify so, you know, analyse away Doc;

I was sitting on the front of one of those hover boats they use to travel through the everglades, going through the everglades, wearing a pair of green wellington boots that looked exactly like my dad's and dangling my feet over the side. Robert De Niro, who was in his Meet The Parents Role, and Jerry from ER were driving the boat. Robert De Niro told me i should be careful because my feet would get cold very quickly, and as soon as he said it my feet became absolutely freezing, and in the dream this part felt very very real. we turned around a corner past loads of reeds, and at the dock was all of my family. Suddenly my nephew Eli ran through everyone, straight into the water- simultaneously I dived from the boat, My dad, my brother-in-law (Eli's dad) and Fozz also jumped from the dock into the water, and we all pulled Eli out- he hadn't been in the water for even longer than 10 seconds and he was fine. As we carried him to the dock again he was laughing, and i distinctly heard, but didn't see, my sister shout over and over again very loudly "Oh my god did you see how Amy jumped?She proper just went for it!!" and then everyone started laughing at me.

and that was my dream.

I am SO tired


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