Friday 1 January 2010


this blog may come across as slightly disjointed- this is because i'm currently watching Eli throw min and Kage's teddies around our bedroom, whilst Uncle Fozz 'saves them'. There's two monkeys, according to Eli although where these monkeys have come from i have no idea. oh, to be three again...

So, 2010. ALRIIIIGHT. this year promises to be pretty big, really. Off the top of my head the things that should be occurring involve me leaving the wonder years of teen behind me and turning 20; HOPEFULLY going to Reading for the first time if all things go to plan (fingers crossed!!); and in the latter part of 2010 starting my third and final year of university...OH MY WORD.

hang on- eli wants to play on cbeebies, i'll finish writing in a bit :)

tHERE WE GO, BLESS HI- oh wait, it would appear he hit my caps lock button, sorry! little lad's so lovely ^^

Last night was pretty much amazing. Went to my older sisters and brother-in-laws whilst Pandy took care of Eli at ours, so we could have a few drinks and be as loud as we wanted :) vic and john live out in the country, in the middle of nowehere so we had no people to disturb- it was ace!! we all (it was me, kage, jack, fozz, vic, john and their friend catherine) had to pick three songs for everyone to dance to. Mine changed like 1000 times before we actually got there an ended up being 'What is love?' by Haddaway (i love this song so much kage used to play it everytime i came back from uni!), 'Dragonstea Din Tei' by Ozone (and freaked vic out cos i knew all the words!!) and then 'Scatman' by Scatman John (TUUUUNNEEEE!!!). we danced for like 2-3 hours non-stop, some amazing choices made by the others were 'Larger than Life' by the Backstreet Boys, 'No Good' by The Prodigy and 'Logical Song' by Scooter :D

As midnight approached we had the tricky task of deciding what song was gonna bring us into a new decade- Vicki geniusesly chose 'Rollin' by Limp Bizkit, and we all set about rockin' our way into 2010 :) then for the rest of the night we spent dancing, me and Vic harmonised to Phil Collins, Beyonce and Shakira and The Beatles- what can i say? we're eclectic- and then laughing at Fozz who was MULLERED. It was absolutely brilliant. His best moments were telling us constantly he was 'Gong Show' (which we assumed meant 'gone'), saying 'you're a, i don't mean it, i don't mean to be violent' and his theory of sheep, which you'll see amongst the quotage that took place last night;

John: (about Nuns) That's what they call themselves- God's whores

('Jump Around' begins playing, and everyone begins jumping, except from Vicki)
Vic:I don't jump until the chorus because i'm a purist.

('Freed from Desire' by Gala is playing)
#My love has got no money, he's got his strong beliefs#
Jack: He's got his trampoline??!!

Fozz: Right- did you kow? Sheep outnumber people in New Zealand by loads, ok-million, right? MILLIONS. And if they were clever enough, right- they could overthrow the country. And if New Zealand falls, man- then WE ARE FUCKED.

Vic: Find something that makes you FAGULOUS!!

So yeah... it was pretty fantastic :D
Panders came and picked us up at 1, and Kage stayed round Jack's so i had the lovely duty of taking care of our fallen brother- at one point when i was feeding Charlie he came and lay down on the kitchen floor, then declaring 'My face is cold'!! we sat and watched a bit of JPark- we wanted it to be the first film we saw for this decade like the geeks we are- then watched JPark3 instead. I had a few texts and missed calls from people which made me feel popular, and sat down happy as Larry with a cup of tea, basking in the light of Sam Neil and hoping Fozz didn't throw up as i didn't really feel like cleaning up other people's sick- the phrase 'start as you mean to go on' was echoing in the back of my mind...

And now everyone's round ours, and i'm feeling rather melancholy. this is because Doctor Who is on tonight, and while i'm desperate to see what happens with the whole RETURN OF THE TIME LORDS!!! situation (i'm not gonna pander to spoiler alerts- if you haven't seen it by now that means you don't care so won't care that i said what happened!) but i am going to be beyond devastated by the end of it. Kage understands- she's purposefully not going to Jack's til later so she can be my shoulder to cry on!!THAT'S LOVE, PEOPLE!!RIGHT THERE!

Oh, God, it's going to be so awful...
and if they DARE blow up the TARDIS (see here for more detail; not only are there going to be letters of complaint, but i will NEVER EVER watch an episode of Doctor Who again. EVER.




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