Thursday 21 January 2010


I spoke to soon. The dream is over.

we tried to find stuff for the outfits but couldnae find any white overalls. and so the dream is over.

I partially blame myself. this is because of a silly superstition i have which i swear to god isn't even a superstition it's an actual fact- when i tell people, ANYONE, about something i'm looking forward to or something i've planned on doing that's really cool it never EVER EVER happens. literally everything i've gotten excited about happening i open my mouth and say something and within hours it's not happening anymore or it just never happens and falls through. and i've actually tested this theory- i've known something exciting was gonna be happening or was planned and whatever and i don't tell anyone and it happens.

I know i sound mental, but you have to think of these things when you're as consistently unlucky as i am.i don't begrudge'd be a waste of my time to think on it too much, and if i tried to think of a rational reasoning behind why i'm so unlucky i'd probably go mental. if anything it means i can deal well when things go completely to pot. well, reasonably well...

but yeah. so i blame myself a little for it not happening. and now i have no idea what to go as. literally none. sigh.


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